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Artemis Gordon

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Everything posted by Artemis Gordon

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco nice flicks propers
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ^^^ thats the whiteboy price.
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco gotta agree...must be hectic
  4. Just go check today's Billboard charts and ponder why, ....why would someone still be so desperate for attention and validation that they have to call into question the origins of another writer's letterforms? I guess it just proves that graff IS more important than Prog-Roquerism. When I saw that chart in the paper this morning over my Sparks I must admit that I still couldn't equate the two.......you can be quite good at one thing ( so I hear) and just horrible at another. edit substitute Artform for Thing.
  5. HR up in the City? = NOPE. There's 1 Duce HR tag running...let me spell that out for you: O-N-E..........T-A-G. ^^^ And that's on a piece of construction equipment. Tonite I'm gonna catch at least 5X the HR ups in this town becuase I gotta walk to the corner stoer later. Glad I could contribute.
  6. Yes, when I spotted it from the freeway this AM I called into Team HQ and had a henchman sent out to flick it. Did you see the henchman out there?
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco lemme interrupt your broadcast for a sec.....
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Stick with drumming. Creating Fake personas to swing on your own nuts is totally Pinole.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Couple things from a flash drive I havent seen in about 3 years-
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco That Jade reminds me of Anal Cunt's logo
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco 131 will never be forgotten.
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco 12 Galaxies, Fords, some of them with 390s, a couple with 427s. XL 500s
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I use imageshack.us maybe worth a try if your having trouble - simple: browse to flick on your machine - click Host it - copy/paste code for Forums here. I've never tried the Bucket though, maybe it totally rules.
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco The Jaut/Juice Bike issue aside, that "Valencia St. hipsterfag Jaut aint a writer" comment back there doesnt hold up. There are plenty of people you describe but they dont do shit compared to what Jaut does...just sayin /no affiliation /no Caring here.
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Hey Camer - did you used to stay behind the old church on Army? No BShere - I worked in the back there a few years ago and came across a bunch of backroom scribbles fromr the wayback times...I think they might've been yours. You did that 'Jesus' mini-trailer, right?
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Ok I came back to get rid of that shit but it's too late and I'll probably be banned again so watch your backs out there kids look out for one another dont snitch remember bad graffiti is better than an advertisement of any kind & see you around town.
  17. WATCH OUT ON THE TRACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are fully wack. and dont click this link for more of these women. you bicurious roided out freekz http://www.flickr.com/photos/21753232@N03/ Sorry
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco That first Chuey is a good example of the BKFing way of doing it...I like it.
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ...said "Down for Mine" at the time before the shit hit the fan.
  20. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Igni and Gilligan
  21. Hey thats cool...do you have a Flickr where I can DL a big copy? thx
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Augor, Fuct +others wreckin Mission plywood about now too.
  23. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Brawley is located 210 miles southeast of Los Angeles, 126 miles east of San Diego, 230 miles west of Phoenix, 260 miles south of Las Vegas, and 30 miles north of Mexicali, Mexico. Sounds like a sun-baked hell where you stop for beer on the way back to civilization.....or Curlew.
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