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Artemis Gordon

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Everything posted by Artemis Gordon

  1. Check the flick again player, it's not the wall that took a 3rd ball its the overhead action
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco REDEK i-beam creeper
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco That Truth is legal Rigo pffffft. Young writers, see here...the Zenith of Style, Sir Orfn One....... stolen pic
  4. It takes a lot of years and a lot of dues to realize that oftentimes less is more. You can apply that to many aspects of your very young life, kid. One day Natrl will look like Orfn. That last part was a joke.
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Orfn is totally Smexican /nohoto
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco big neck and foot face painted together. no?
  7. Didn't I see the bike in front of the Reyes flick on 16 last night? I always look at grips.
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Hahah it says EMO SUX on the other wall. I like beer - rarely went there.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco horrible picture...funny to see on the freeway..if I was a homeowner and I caught a kid painting a 15' mummy on the wall I'm not sure I could even get mad. Shits funny. oops forgot the pic
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I tried to tell them that in the EB Shits pages, too.....them foos
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ^^ hahah...good idea Im way too lazy tho....zzzzzzzzz
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Bump the fungus but you may go BKF for life on that stuff - not that theres anything wrong with that /no twisted, but youve been warned.
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco HAHA Bump the old arson pit at 16th and Valencia - I saw some punque bands play inside there on generators in THE DAY...I never really like that big mural on the flatiron bldg either but I remember Geso had mad rooftops ledges right round there.
  14. hahaha yep the next Psychocity Effect they never learn.
  15. Tire beach is pushing up daisies. Communist coldwar ironfist buff status.
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Just because this is still running on a mainline and still baller...looks good lit up at night too.
  17. Re: Don't Call it Frisco bump gums even bleeding ones
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco TL beauty
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