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Everything posted by eatyourpaint

  1. 20 degrees out and wal mart silvers worked. i guess they finally fixed the valve problem.
  2. smoke coacaine and beat your girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. twicers are nicers too.saw the new ish he did at fame silly.
  4. reevenge put a new twist on that style.nice.
  5. i like the shot and the 3sacs....sounds likr somethin this cheap ass i know would try to cut a deal on..."hey yo could you possibly break me out a 3 sac i only gotta 5 ill bust you off some brillo" and is that the crem from a little while back the iof crem who puts too much crem cheese on his bagels????? none the less tis dope.
  6. ".................fighting and drinking on a saturaday night....................
  7. descimate the earth.............final prayer sucka asssssssssssss.....what what im the original krew bitch asssssssssssssssssss
  8. worthlesss.............we ...........worhtelessssssssssssssss
  9. kfc..keentucky fried chicken....once again im on a chicken fryinnng mission...breading and frying thtas all we do haed kore villans from the kfc krew reppin the bourough od sanders do what we ahve to...see if it matttters
  10. ^^^try that now and every law enforcement agency will pop out of the woodwork...used to be able to walk along metro lines in plain view....now someone jumps on the radio and mta oinkers show up. cheers to duck and cover.
  11. i dunno know, but i do know....im drunk again..
  12. you can do that in rain/snow in the northeast...long as its rust-oleum....wet seface no problem. dont know bout the foreign shit though,
  13. shit...not the ;astt 1 but the one bove it
  14. i was analyzeing that last piece...and if you dont analyze it yur a dumbfuck who knos nothing but shit
  15. yeah...isor come long way....he maybe 1 of the best.
  16. i remember get3 used to like schwag weed...i only had e pills then and he hated e..but oreo coookie liked it was never there at the rught time though..why did dek wera respirator...guy used to puff cigs like a pro
  17. ^^not needed play yer role....sds cecilhood...sds cecilhoood...sorrryy i found this old def threat shit krackaz
  18. 1997? keg crew 1000's served<no joke.
  19. those 3 girls in front of the reo piece subway prodo they HAD to be locals right?
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