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Everything posted by Sole-One

  1. why would even bother drawin a dondi piece
  2. ok i know my char is bad, so stop commenting on at and focus on my letters
  3. heres sumthin, the char is obviously not done
  4. expel, i like the concept for the last one
  5. IOF.. hmmm i ve seen that b4, BEL.. ?
  6. no offence, that wiggly letter shit juss looks stupid, stick to straighter letters
  7. what kinda shit do you use for a canvas, spraypaint? decos?
  8. eh. im not feelin this one too much, i like you simple ones much more
  9. is it that bad? heres another one..'mexico' and yes my O's are basically the same as my A's, i need to fix that
  10. heres something i did with a pen.. 'saner' EDIT yes i know the R looks shit
  11. bonez, it looks dope, i dont think it needs any changes
  12. heres my latest attempt at the 3d style, i started like a day or two ago with it,
  13. ok, ive been lookin at my shit, and im thinkin wow, i have one style, and thats it, i decided to try and get better at my 3d shit, well this is my first 3d sketch, if and has some experience with 3d sketches, can you help me out it says SUCR
  14. ok, i know i added too many extension, but i juss wanted to see what itd look like, other then that, how does it look?
  15. im lovin that R, why i dont like the E too much
  16. for a stylus for a computer, how much does that cost
  17. LMAO please do leave it out
  18. adding more colours could help
  19. that S looks dope anyone? anything?
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