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Luigi Russolo

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  1. pretty generic stuff, that's like saying raisin bran bit off oat bran, same shit...
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco kech in SF, woh nelly...
  3. pretty sure if you read the description he mentions that those are people that "inspired him", I don't think it's supposed to be people in level of importance... besides log is awesome.
  4. and all the gay talk is really really pathetic, plus you know what they say about homophobic people...
  5. I can't understand how you can think that this... is any better or worse than this... I don't know any of the people who painted any of that, and I'm not saying any of it is good or bad, but I'm sure that when you guys are cheering for someone, it has to be just because you are friends with them. Why don't you try not being bitter, and just do your own thing, and let everyone else do theirs, I mean there has to be worse things in you life you have to deal with than pissing on somebody's parade.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i'm not hating on anyone specific at all, i mean if whatever you do with yourself makes you happy, that's all that's really going to matter, and i apologize for my previous comment, didn't mean to cause friction.
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco just so i don't come across as a negative nancy type, here's an example of somebody who i think makes some headway in doing things that have a different approach to some extent
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco in my opinion graffiti is getting less and less interesting because it seems like rather than try to forge one's own path within the realm of letters or artistic ideas, people would much rather tack themselves onto something preconceived by someone else, whether its ultra contrived techy organic stuff, or really loose 70's stuff, or whatever, i don't know. i'm just saying is graffiti able to move forward or not? it seems like it's not, but who knows
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco anybody got jenks mize skert rambo hem safari flare kerse flicks? hnl?
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco stole stole stole
  11. you guys aren't tough, i once ate an apple without rinsing it off, that's tough.
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco only the coolest people alive.
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco forgot to mention, pretend to be a messenger, pretend to be poor, pretend to care, be a vegan, pretend to be a hobo, be a participant in many many "games" i suppose realistically, it's very american, buy into anything you like
  14. i don't mean to offend either, personally my stance on graffiti is that if you are willing to go out and do something as dumb as risking getting arrested for painting on things that don't belong ot you, you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want. however, please don't make the mistake of calling that innovative, there's a whole history of hipster brooklyn crap geometric art, it originates in the 70's and 80's in graphic design, and manifests itself currently with garbage like paperrad, chris forges,fort thunder, tape playaz etc.. allot of this crapola came from RISD in the late 90's and for some reason it took a long time to catch on, i think only just lately these design elements are making there way to europe and canada, past few years. i just don't have the taste for it, i hate how it's so generic and repetitive, but some people like lightning bolt and geometric day glo shapes, so let them eat cake who cares...it's boring to me, people who love irony, go to art school, listen to "high places" or "bwest fweinds" or "aids wolf" any associated band, pretend to be part of the underground yet betray punk ideals by being scenesters rich corporate etc...just not for me. fuck that psuedo folk art silk screen a band tee shirt fake ass shit... it's funny with graffiti, graffiti is it's own paradigm, where you can't copy or be influenced by anything another graffiti writer has done, but you can completely rip off anything from somewhere else and it's new, really strange logic. fuck it though don't even let me piss on your parade make yourselves happy, it's all that really matters in life. examples: or just look at this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/deansullivan/favorites/
  15. hey, anybody remember when VIZIE came on here and called out GOSH on biting the ever loving shit out of MIZE? no need to worry though, he's "advanced" to ripping off regurgitated NY oldschool styles from euro writers.
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