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Everything posted by keylikesfood

  1. Thanks man, appreciate it.. I'ma start with Overground and see where we go from there. I love the Swedish and Scandinavian graf style
  2. Media one, do you have most of these books? Im just wondering because i'm not one to buy books, but I got the repress of the WUFC story recently (paperback) [by the way, I fucken love WUFC] and i gotta say i was impressed. I love the way they gave us some insight to their lives, And I noticed you've posted this book - so I'm wondering where to go next... The publisher, Dokument forlag has the Overground series (1 & 3 grabbed my attention - namely RILO featured on the first and CAKES and OCLOCK on the third) and They Call Us Vandals - I was wondering what you had to say on these.. And any other similiars you can recommend. Alright peace.
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