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  1. Stick to skateboards. Those are enough trouble by themselves. Just make sure you land your Indy kickflip flyouts 6 out of 10 tries. Then call it a day. Okay. Cool.
  2. Okay I was a little slow on the draw here as you can see the answer above. Yeah are you 12. Thats the real mystery. We already know your name now. Ha ha. I hope you don't have a Rap name!
  3. That looks like a fun park. Your pants were too baggy. The cops are gonna get you! Ha ha. You look like you're having fun. Good. Continue.
  4. DAO Post that shit homie. I doubt too many of the kids on here have a leg to stand on ripping on anybody's video part. Yeah no doubt. My video would have 30 seconds of noseslides on a curb, shove-its, small ollies, ollie-ing up the curb then down it. Oh yeah and a bonless or two. And the stale donut. My boardslide curb too. Wicked fun d00d. Post the video.
  5. I remember it was a World Industries thing. They found the biggest cheapest t-shirts and made a killing on them. The stitching never matched the shirts either. That was a style no-no for regular folks at the time. Man those shirts were big. Anyone remember the NewDeal hoodies with teh stealing pockets in the back. Nice. That shit kept me fed for a minute. Graff and skating fully coverged in the early 90's. I don't know how kids are getting over in the tight fashions of the day. How do you rack in that sort of stuff? Unless you just use the net to rip people off. Lazy kids.
  6. NerdUnit


    Fixed gear tricks are cool and whatever. But what I think is really stupid is fitting a 650 fork and wheel to a 700c frame to do those bar spins. Lame. I think that is poor equipment form. Get a freestyle bike and fixhub that.
  7. Hey that Ritchie Jackson shit is nuts. That dude is on some Gonz shit. Who cares what he's wearing.
  8. Same invitation here. That's the old spirt of skateboarding when everyone was helping write the script and shape what it was. Anything had potential as a skate-able object. Like we didn't have all these videos and shit to show this is a spot this isn't. I looked at magazines of places like DelMar and there wasn't shit like that in my world. Or all the school banks and famous places like that. All on the west coast. So we rolled around our little town and tried to skate anything we could. The only thing that limited you was how well you could ride the board. Cause street skating was whatever wasn't a ramp. Yeah and we all had fucken T-Bones and shit. Ha ha. You could ride those things through a half a foot of gravel!
  9. I don't know where you're at but if you ever stop in Boston let me know. That's all I do on the board weather permitting. I'm still finding the spots and new ones and the routes with the most possibilities inbetween. Lots of fun. I really enjoy ollie-ing around town. Adventure style.
  10. NerdUnit


    Glad you are okay. Amazing she stopped. Good bit of luck. Stay safe.
  11. NerdUnit


    if you've got pictures of your ex-bike, post them up, i'd love to see 'em. PITOFMELTONS No I don't have photos but I may be able to get some. Same decals as in the photo. I was offered a DeRosa pista frame for it by the original owner after he sold it. No dice. I figured if a dude is bartering a DeRosa for it, it is special. Plus I had a DeRosa at the time! It's in good hands though. As for your fork. No biggie. May be a different geometry for a particular use. An all around track/ trainer? Who knows. You have an incredible bike regardless of the tire clearance. That is always an arbitary judgement on a track frame. As long as the #'s add up. I know yours do. Mine was 52cm so that may also figure into it. Whatever. When I was in NYC for the Downtown Pro Crit in 99 or 00 I saw a guy a watching the race with a red Melton road frame just like the one pictured. All Campy ano box rims the whole deal. So we talked for a bit and he was one of four people in NYC at the time to get a Melton. He only dealt with one shop evidently. Anyways as the tale was told the wife was none to pleased to find out dude plunked around $1500 for the bike. Now that's 80's $ too. Mine was a really cool blue metallic. Medium but a little to the warm side. Dope bike. Enjoy that ride my man.
  12. NerdUnit


    YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melton. Respect. I had a Melton. A friend has it now. Gorgeous racing machine. Yo do you know how rare that bike is? The quality and craftsmanship is second to nothing. Melton is a very accomplished American builder. He made all the USA team track bikes for the 82 Olympics. Man the lugs on mine were so finely filed to such sharp points. Clean lines the whole way through. Fork was tighter though. 23c only. Same head lugs too. Wow. You have an incredible bicycle. Take care of it.
  13. NerdUnit


    No problem. I like to impart bicycle knowledge. I also like to get props. Ha ha. Thank you Sir.
  14. NerdUnit


    On the back of your stem there is a line marked off. That is the minimum insertion height. If your stem it higher than that line it can come loose and fall out. Easily. Yours looks too high. Make sure it's not above the line. Your life depends on it. Seriously. Now... Enjoy the ride.
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