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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Also I don't think he died at Christmas but it's been a fucking long time since I was at school and they made us religion
  2. The biblical relevance is quite,well, irrelevant. The fact is you have a holiday because it's Christmas. You don't have a holiday because your forefathers thought December would be a nice time for a break. If you go to the countries where those other religious holidays are actually the culture on which the society was built you might find yourself swept up in the celebration or observation of the relevant significant dates.
  3. Being angry about it is silly but also arguing about why we have a holiday on the 25th of December is being incapable of accepting reality
  4. I get the asap thing I just agree that the names are soft these days but I guess without context all the names are goofy
  5. Dear Christmas, We've never really been on the same page and that's OK, but if we're really going to see each other every year until one of us dies, I think we should work towards some compromise. Perhaps if people would genuinely mean it when they say don't get me anything, to avoid the awkwardness of them being upset when I don't get them anything, would be a nice start. I have more but let's start soft. Is there anything I can do for you, Christmas? Let me know. Cheers, TheP
  6. Yeah riding it is funny. If I looked at it as wins and losses without cashing out then I've had a suicide last few hours...
  7. Rule one You've made nothing until you cash out Rule two Fifty percent is tax
  8. Not the only problem with modern rap but I'll agree
  9. I think we can agree they all got lured into this situation.
  10. Yeah I only started trading crypto after an OG prophet got me on it as well. 12oz making power moves.
  11. Crypto on the oontz The world I grewed up in is gone
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