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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Haha, also hopefully you typed that from your phone again otherwise you're smashed mate. I run a cold stable after ferment and then rack to keg, so pretty clean really. When I use solid adjuncts I throw it through an oil filter just to be safe. Congratulations on being back in school, I'll have a cold one for you when I finish work.
  2. So it's a Raddler then? Thinking back to the Framboise comments, I've just picked up 40KG's of local fresh strawberries... brew? Any ideas? Don't have facility to brew a lambic - so was thinking of chucking her into a dark ale?
  3. Tec/tech SBA. Remember when dude painted Subi underground after it opened? Haha. Legend. Fuck whoever is writing it now though.
  4. Regional WA, mate. Also should have mentioned I only use high octane (fucking Screwbaru!)
  5. My experience with Irish people is that they get really drunk, really easily. Has been kind of disappointing. Irish girls will do just about anything though, so that's a plus.
  6. $1.70/L - so that's about $6.20'ish/gallon.
  7. Yeah, still winter here though. It's 4deg out here. 37deg. Damn. Get your lager on!
  8. Sitting in my shed. It's 6am but I'm pretty keen.
  9. Really though, your question is fucking stupid mate. Hit the LA thread. How the fuck would we know? I've only been in MSK for like a year. ????????????
  10. With that fucking east coast spin.
  11. pawk 'n skope down by the river. I hope they caught something.
  12. Sounds good mate, what's the word? Ahh fuckin' edit - not keen to let my cat out the bag, so battle a word?
  13. Yo FSX, next time I'm in Perth we're on, I will hit you back. I'd kind of rather split the carton and smash the fiddlor, but I'm cool with whatever. Don't do PM's. I'll get at you. If you're desperate for a fiddlor or some paint, get at me anyway. Fuck a dayspot. Props.
  14. famesux: as long as it isn't a day spot.
  15. Shall we discuss it further? Or shut the fuck up? Seriously, I could go either way. Where's eels or Tj. when you need some flicks!?
  16. Donnybrook brewery? ... US version? Or did you get hold of it some how?
  17. Food in the beer thread. Fuck. Now I'm thirsty AND hungry.
  18. Just for interests sake, what's cheap?
  19. Seriously, organic barley and organic hops would have no positive flavour addition over traditionally grown crops. I looked into brewing organic beer for the Kombi crowd, but it's not fucking worth it, flavour is compromised, the cost goes up - so hippies that want it, can't afford it, and it's fucking beer mate. Beer. Barley. Hops. Water. Yeast.
  20. Organic beers are a fucking publicity stunt mate, save your dollars.
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