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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I like brewing with Nelson Sauvin, good hop. Mixed it with citra on a brew yesterday. I'm doing something similar to them, but looking at a Chardonnay barrel - I'll have to get my hands on that Mikkeller and give her a spin.
  2. I think we should have an in depth discussion about layup locations and whom frequents each said location the most, so that we can fully analyse the situation.
  3. A sign of quality is definitely using a cask/barrel. Chips need to be soaked to get even close to the same effect, but you can never really recreate the aged wood - for example, the barrel I used had a gold medal Whisky matured in it, and the barrel itself is nearly 12 years old, used for sherry in it's initial fill. You just can't get that from chips, unless they are break down chips from a barrel, in which case you may as well use the bloody barrel. My favourite smoked/oaked (smOaked?) is Paradox Smokhead by BrewDog.
  4. Agreed. I'm a sucker for dark spirits. Next project early next year will be a rum cask. Heavy oaked beer isn't exactly session beer though, I'm pretty much maxed out after two pints.
  5. Kegging my oak aged whisky ale tomorrow. Been in there for three months. Pansies beware!
  6. Noone said NASER isn't a 'real writer'. Imagine, for a second, that he doesn't give a fuck.
  7. Got rid of a Green Flash IPA this morning before work, not bad. Might have been a bit old, because it certainly didn't bite like a 95+ibu'ER - even at 6am.
  8. Will have a read through later on. Will also be sure to check out some Xetum stuff, in house movement? Personal preference keeps me off of L4P. Were you a 6speed'er? Just got this; Great as a beater watch so far, seems to handle the knocks and wet environment I work in. @IHU: Fair call mate, coming from a car mod background, you sort of forget about getting good returns on investment!
  9. Did the whole thing with AE's and you faggots didn't flick it.
  10. You're not wrong, but, I genuinely don't care about them holding value, it is cool to have an American watch in the draw. Don't want to wear out the band on my Daytona, you know how it is.
  11. My most recent LT; Shitty photo, but the dial is deep blue. Thing is a monster though.
  12. I have a couple of LumTec's, hate L4P though! Great service and really good quality for the money.
  13. Picked up a Wenger as a beater watch last week;
  14. Sink the Bismark from BrewDog was $240. Mate sent me one after I found out the price. Fucking ridiculous for a stubbie.
  15. No dramas mate, if we were all the same we'd just be sitting around drinking mass produced flavoured water. Perhaps one of the main reasons I dislike Mikeller is the price for a stubbie in Australia. I think the 1000IBU cost me $45/stubbie. Not cool yo.
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