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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. All of that shit is fucking gay.
  2. Scotch Ale is fucking awesome when done right.
  3. Damn you, crime. I might have to put you on ignore if you keep rubbin' it in! @ET77: Vegemite is made with the spent yeast from one of the major big breweries in Australia - we acquire a taste for yeast products around the same time we get some teeth over here! Only 2.5% of market share in Australia goes to craft brews - so it's not surprising that all you found was shit.
  4. You have a toilet in the same room as your shower? What the fuck? To avoid a complete derail, I can recommend this;
  5. Unless you've got some conditioner handy, you're pretty much going to have to. I'd ask why exactly you're shitting in the shower, but not keen for the answer.
  6. Really? OK. I'll bite in the hope that you're not joking with me. Chuck Hahn will forever be a great name in the brewing history of Australia. They make beer that 97.5% of Australians want to drink. FourEx is very similar, and I admire the fact that they are technically perfect beers. To be able to recreate the exact same beer, to the exact same specifications, over a decade or more, is an exercise in precision that I find difficult to even fathom. Still on Chuck Hahn though, the man brought REAL beer back to the masses in the form of James Squire (Name of the first documented brewer in Australian colonial history). Their range would seem fairly tame to an avid craft beer hunter, but it is REAL beer, no matter how mass produced. Actual ale instead of lager. For that, he has to be a little bit of a hero I'd reckon. As aforementioned, what really amazes me is their production scale - the product itself I wouldn't be caught dead knocking one back. For example, XXXX has around a 200hec system, so they are making 200,000 litres of beer every time they turn the bastard on. The process is amazing, they are actually at the point over there that the water they are treating as affluent is coming back CLEANER than the scheme water people are drinking - it's only public perception that stops them from using this water in the brew process. In short - amazing on a technical production level - tastes like shit.
  7. Too true, so many people are stumped when they come here and we're all drinking VB and Carlton Draught, not a Fosters in sight. Goes down like water, as intended. Never say no to free beer, unless it's Corona.
  8. Noone in Australia drinks Fosters, you can't even buy it at a normal bottle shop here. It's fucking shithouse mate.
  9. @JJ: http://cuppow.com/ <- might interest you.
  10. French Imperial is not far removed from a Belgian Trippel. All my beers are on lees anyway as is the limitation of my brewhouse. I'm going to use a specialty Belgian triple liquid yeast - never actually used liquid yeast before so it will be a cool project. Hopefully brew next Sunday. Will report back!
  11. I've still got a sack of Caraffa Special Type#2 - so I can make it like a black hole if desired. Would need to balance with some sweet as the dark malts are super astringent.
  12. Agreed entirely. For now I'm not going to lock this next brew in as being the Apocalyptale. Aiming to make a French Imperial Golden Ale. We'll see what happens. Probably still hit around the 7.5%ABV mark.
  13. Palmer is a legend, good choice mate.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/us-anheuser-busch-acquires-budweiser-brand-150657810.html;_ylt=A2KLJlwEHxBPigYAQgPzWed_;_ylu=X3oDMTUwamtzNmo0BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBOZXdzIEZvciBZb3UEcGtnAzM0MmU4N2EzLTg2OGYtMzNmNS1iZGMzLWY1Y2I3M2ZlMDU5ZgRwb3MDOQRzZWMDbmV3c19mb3JfeW91BHZlcgMzYjhkMmE5MC0zZDJmLTExZTEtYmZmYi1jOTAyZWU3YWRhYzE-;_ylg=X3oDMTJyOXM4NmxpBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDYmMzNzY5ZjgtMWYwMi0zMmIzLWI3NjItMmI3OGNlODFlNGE2BHBzdGNhdAN1cwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2UEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3 Wankers. Budjovicky Budvar is fucking awesome beer. Wankers.
  15. Looking for ideas for an 'ApocalyptAle' to brew on the day the world ends. Any ideas? Remember it's deep summer over here, it's going to be about 36 today. It's 6 am and already 23 degrees. I have most all special malts you could want, a fairly good hop selection, but I'm bound at the moment to US05 yeast, which will lend itself to giving a 'fruit spice' note.
  16. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/artist-tres-fatal-tunnel-tag-teen-hit-by-train-20120112-1pw7n.html RIP And fuck the journalists that raid the facebook of dead youths.
  17. Four of my brews are in the running for top100 craft brews of 2011 (Australia). I'm hardly on a short list, but still pretty cool for first year of brews!
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