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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm surprised they added the rum to the unfermented wort. Oh and yes, that is gimmick beer at its finest level of annoying. Not exactly a break through the use submerging as a way of keeping a constant temp.
  2. About to keg my Rye Brown Ale... hard to describe. Rye seems to have thrown some spice to the initial bite. Might have benefited from a higher SG. Oh well. Anyone a fan of Rye Brown's? I know Ballast Point do one?
  3. It looks like it. Haha. Awesome.
  4. Belgian yeast always throws that Hefe character. I hate it.
  5. Haha, I was tossing up between CRAK and IRAK.
  6. Also, dwels' not dwels's. Fucking hell? We could probably bring dabue to tears if he ever found out it's spelled debut!
  7. Deep thought only goes to those who create a new account to make a comment.
  8. All the brewers there are much better than me, but they all wear tea cosies on their heads and have ipod headphones plugged in all day. So no surprise they have limp wristed non imperial measure pints. On the other; I am putting together a response for you, just taking me a while. It will be comprehensive though - expect it today mate.
  9. Hahaha, how fuckin' drunk were they?
  10. 473mL pint. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
  11. Alt is fantastic. Bastardised by most of the brewing world though!
  12. Any of you heard of these people; http://www.thebeergeek.com/ ????
  13. Wheat beer is for girls, but Fat Tyre is what's up.
  14. Anything over 40 IBU'S I wouldn't consider a starter beer.
  15. The marketing department. I wonder if anyone still uses coke kilned grain?
  16. Cheap beer isn't bitter, mate. I believe your general mass producers are smacking out a gob smacking 7/8IBU's. ? Stop me if I'm wrong!
  17. FUCK ME SIDEWAYS! I got three beers in the top 100 for 2011, highest rank was 48. Not bad for a 90L brewhouse? Should've given myself up on here I could of gone higher!!! FUCK YEAHHHH!!!!!
  18. Any cunt that gets defensive about it? Dudes smacked out cleaner letters on a panel than half the cunts on here can manage at a dayspot. Sleep tight cunts. I fucking love the internet. That dick on the WOZ is fucking awesome.
  19. That's about as far as I can go with the high ABV stuff from BD. Even the Tokyo is very hot. Nice beer though, amazing head colour and retention for a beer of that pace. Fucking meal worthy though!
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