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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. *good not goo! Will you be using real apples? Or going from a kit?
  2. Spend money on goo dextrose, the simplified fermentation will yield better attenuation and give a dryer/higher ABV finished product. What style are you trying to make?
  3. Yeah I didn't say it very well first up. Making port this morning - I know it's not beer, but you know, it's booze!?
  4. Between draught and extra, it's a no brainer. But if we're talking on tap it has a huge amount to do with what gas they are pushing with. Most pubs will not be able to justify spending 300% the cost of CO2 straights on a CellaMix (C02+Nitrogen) bottle, and even fewer will want to go the recommended 100% nitrogen push with a C02 initial carb. This is why you get faggots raving on about the 'double pour'.
  5. The pour, but mainly the gas they are pushing through with + turnover of the pub. I love stout, but I do not enjoy Guiness at all. Best I've had it is probably from a widget can.
  6. Dudes gorn be pissed about his shed door.
  7. I've been drinking a bit of the Brooklyn range recently, very acceptable.
  8. Fucking hell. You can put more than one photo in each post. Perhaps be a touch more selective, as well?
  9. Haha, fucking sweet though. Chuck that cunt up on national tele and that'll deter us from wanting to get our names out there! Hey! Leave a watermark of your channel in the bottom right corner thatlll anfdnasijfbhusdybfsd fuck it
  10. Thank fuck I'm drunk at 8am otherwise I'd just not respond?
  11. Worth posting. http://www.retronaut.co/2012/03/new-york-subway-1973/
  12. The fact you think that anybody cares is the joke here. Don't get it twisted.
  13. Just quietly, that retro panel is fucking fantastic.
  14. I like to think the Arran was the governing factor in its success, but the gypsy brewer is definitely a clever man.
  15. I can tell you that it's 99% gimmick. They brewed Punk at the bottom of the ocean, wowee, they used the same yeast as in Zeitgeist, and magically it's become a 7.5% beer from a 5.2% recipe? No way on God's green is that the same beer that went to the bottom of the sea. The Paradox was awesome. I like a lot of their brews, really. But the price is complete bullshit.
  16. They resist using water additives generally, which means they get that lighter mouth feel. I hear exactly what you're saying.
  17. Don't let the Americans bastardise another beer style, Crimey. My red ale would punch holes through that tripe.
  18. Alcohol consumption is down all over the place. Increase in Muslim population and general health warnings are what I'd put it down to.
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