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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. "I know I'll never get a real job"
  2. Sweet beer stash. 350 US craft brews would be worth about 2grand over here. Well played, sir.
  3. It looks like his mate has something in his right hand, but then you can't see it after he skips past like a massive poof.
  4. http://www.ranker.com/list/hottest-women-in-prison/trent-walker?limit=25
  5. Is it a Pro? $8K sounds a bit rich to start with, but you can trade a two/three year old for mid three's.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v__PS2Zrj9Y FUCKIN' OUTRAGED.
  7. *Cheeky Monkey brewhouse - not mine!
  8. I'll let most of what you just said slide, because you haven't been here for a long time. A couple of points though, because it's 520am and I'm bored, the part about Colonial knowing what they're doing... apart from owning the Royal, their distribution is essentially zero and the beer has gone downhill ever since the sell out. The IBS is NOT indicative of what beer costs, they are the most inflated prices known to man, I haven't been back in nearly two years since my eyes opened to how hard they were ripping me off - often for stale beer. I know exactly what the Leg charges wholesale and they've never even done a 4pk, it would have been the IBS repacking into generic 4's and jacking up the price. If I was a bottle shop, I could make acceptable margin selling it at $70/ctn. This is still the highest traffic tourist destination in the state, and the people that are here, are generally here to taste things and spend money. It's as much a personal lifestyle choice as a business decision. Sure, I'd sell a shit load more beer if I lived in Perth, but... then I'd be living in Perth - yo? Flicks for talking. I said I'd get some snaps of the brew house for you guys. CIP tanks 600L brew house Auger head (so fuckin' jealous of this bitch right here) Concealed grain mill room Grain mill to auger (UNGGHHH) Ferment vessels, fully skinned and controlled. Coolroom for brights; Holding tanks for transfers; Basically. I am jealous.
  9. As per the opening I went to, got down there on my lunch break to give the best wishes before anyone rocked up. When I went back after work there was about 300 people there (that's a lot for out here!) anyway, that's why there's no people in the photos. I'll get some shots of the brewhouse later in the week, no point tripping over everyone yesterday - was a bit chaotic.
  10. Wish Australia would pony up and allow them to import cans. Not that I could afford it... 6pk of Sierra Nevada Pale just went to $30 out here. @Crimey/'88: Cheeky Monkey opened last night, opening was pretty awesome. Beers were very good. Next time you're down '88 hit it up for sure.
  11. With no haggling and no discounts, I don't understand the question? Are you asking about the depreciation of said watch?
  12. As far as I was aware it was meant to be a Belgian IPA - didn't really capture much of the flavour you'd expect from one. Nothing inherently wrong with, I just thought it was pretty close to the Big Dippa...
  13. High alcohol beer is easier to make than low alcohol beer. There's a lot of places to hide in an 8% beer.
  14. Jokes aside, that Quiet American did nothing for me. If you liked that though, be sure to check out Cheeky Monkey's Belgian IPA when they open up soon.
  15. I remember when me and woz compared pee pee's - I'll never live it down. Keep it swingin' yo.
  16. I'm going to be an absolute wanker here, but fuck I hate wines with non varietal names. "Would you like to try the Prisoner?" Fuck me. Horrible.
  17. Red -> six green. I'm a certified genius. More flicks now Maniks!
  18. Less science....e. Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 80.0 Total Grain (kg): 16.172 Total Hops (g): 200.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9 Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1 Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.72 % Colour (SRM): 16.4 (EBC): 32.3 Bitterness (IBU): 22.6 (Average) Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75 Boil Time (Minutes): 60 Grain Bill ---------------- 11.978 kg Munich I (74.07%) 2.196 kg Munich II (13.58%) 0.998 kg Vienna (6.17%) 0.500 kg Carafa II malt (3.09%) 0.500 kg Wheat Malt (3.09%) Hop Bill ---------------- 50.0 g Challenger Pellet (6.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L) 50.0 g Challenger Pellet (6.1% Alpha) @ 45 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L) 50.0 g Saaz Pellet (2.9% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L) 50.0 g Saaz Pellet (2.9% Alpha) @ 1 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L) Misc Bill ---------------- Single step Infusion at 67°C for 60 Minutes. Fermented at 18°C with Safale US-05
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