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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. True. It will be 16 hours by the end, beer waits for no man. TPBM wants to sell their car, but just can't bring themselves to do it.
  2. Inserting a footlong fudge bullet into my soft-shelled tuna taco got me spattering fallopian fish stock faster than snot off a whip. My clunge pool was trembling like a tasered slab of chopped liver. There was love mayonnaise oozing from his vein cane and I was wetter than a spastic's chin. We were ready for more. With my swollen budgie's tongue now much like a hippo's yawn, he thought it was time to start plunging my poop chute. Is now the time to tell him I really need to arc a hardened fudge nugget, I wondered? Within no time, I could feel the shitty baby gravy sliming from my brown mile and all over my bald man in a boat.
  3. This I could live with; Whatever you go for, I think you'll be happy with. They really punch above their weight.
  4. Also, that'd be considered illegal in my books. Can't walk around bally'd up - why would this be any different?
  5. Customer service is pretty well known as being shit house. From memory there was a fuss about strap quality/replacements a while ago. I don't think I could live with anything but steel finish. The tiger eye looks fuckin' strange to me, I only like it on classic faces.
  6. True. Loosens up the wallets. TPBM has used a mortar and pestle at least twice this year.
  7. Haha, that massive Aper is fuckin' nuts, but it's just too funny that it's on a gay pride store.
  8. True and false. Well played. I'm house sitting and they have one. Fuck knows where the charger is though. TPBM is angry when people take a photograph of them.
  9. False. TPBM has been meaning to clean out their car for weeks now.
  10. Let us know how the work goes.
  11. False. I feel bad for you son. TPBM has aspirations of opening their own business.
  12. True. Gourmet to my doorway. TPBM has two yellow shirts.
  13. Not a member on reddit, so you can call me third hand.
  14. False.. I think? I have no idea what a curved toe is. False. I have dial up internet and haven't smoked in 6 years. TPBM listens to music on full boar every morning
  15. True, I'm a terrible hurdler. TPBM is just about out of petrol(gas).
  16. True as the day is long. Everyone knows me. TPBM has sweet alloys on their car.
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