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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. The part of that I found interesting was from about five minutes on.
  2. True'ish. I have a hole in pretty much every pair of underwear I own. TPBM has a favourite type of bird.
  3. Haha, no spellcheck on cardboard boxes. Kids these days are fucked! Probably only relevant to Aussies;
  4. Those giant spiders are fucking awesome.
  5. False. TPBM has a soft spot for country music.
  6. True/False... venison fillet, and it was breakfast. TPBM never said he couldn't do it, just doesn't want to.
  7. Hahahaha, I love the end, "I'll give you mad props" Hahaha.
  8. True. I make an awesome Rockmelon liqueur. TPBM is wondering if this is all that there is.
  9. TRUE. TPBM giggles when they hear someone say 'salted nuts'.
  10. False. I hate everyone equally, no discrimination here. TPBM knows every word to every song on their favourite album.
  11. False. Always stand by my words. TPBM has never seen a shooting star.
  12. Though I have been known to be a connoisseur of eating females, never the ribs. Always breathing. TPBM just had to turn the air con on for the first time this year.
  13. False. TPBM says 'on accident' instead of 'by accident'.
  14. Not sure yet, I get test results on Thursday. (notjokingOner) Haha. I'm an idiot. False. TPBM leaves windows open and then replies to threads hours later.
  15. False. TPBM knows which is bigger, A4 or A5.
  16. False. Closer than I'd like to admit though. TPBM only drinks vitamin water.
  17. False. I have faith in social Darwinism. TPBM should really eat breakfast more often.
  18. False. TPBM doesn't know whether or not to jump in on this thread, for fear of over saturation.
  19. True. Bad shot and it wasn't dead, would've been cruel not to. EDIT: In the rain. True. TPBM knows the true meaning of tranquility.
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