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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Close enough. My mate was with a weird bitch that kept her placenta in the freezer. Put it through pasta. TPBM thinks that's pretty fucked up.
  2. I'm going to have a crack today. Will report back.
  3. True. Still going. TPBM is reading this on a smartphone.
  4. 40 proof? Haha. My saliva is stronger than that. Nonsense.
  5. A number of Japanese businesses have suspended their China operations. Panasonic, Canon, Honda, Mazda and Toyota have halted their factories, while almost 200 7-eleven convenience stores have shut and Uniqlo, the clothes retailer, has removed the signs from its shop and shut its doors. ''I want to leave,'' said a Nissan executive, who declined to be named, in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. ''Protests near my home were horrifying over the weekend.' Some of the protests have been violent, while others involved vandalism, looting and arson. A man burned his Honda Civic outside one of the carmaker's showrooms in Shanghai. However, there have been no reports of serious injuries to Japanese citizens in China.
  6. Fucking oath. I was wondering what else it would be able to shoot. And how far?
  7. Anyone tried this; ? I've been wanting to do a beershake for a while now, but I think this has pushed me over the edge. Though, I wanted to use my stout.
  8. False. I was raised never to use anything but my fists. TPBM has a bunch of dead markers, just laying around.
  9. Tossing a piece of popcorn into the air and catching it with your mouth is a time-honored snacking tradition. But what do you do when your hands are full and you're hungry for a bite? The Popinator ($TBA) is here to help. Using binaural microphones, the Popinator listens for you to say the word "pop", estimates your mouth's position, and then fires a single piece off in that direction, letting you catch it with your mouth and continue on about your business.
  10. Firstly, HuffPost... seriously? Secondly, this is fucking true; "If you're jealous of those with more money, don't just sit there and complain,” Rinehart wrote. “Do something to make more money yourself -- spend less time drinking or smoking and socialising, and more time working.” Occupy maaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I will concede she would be better off not being a public figure. It's the downfall of most wealthy people.
  11. True. TPBM has a funny taste in their mouth.
  12. You have no idea what you're talking about. EvilTrailer, I thought you had more smarts than to believe everything you read or hear in a ten second grab. For those that like their nonsense, it's Gina Rinehart. Wealthiest woman in the world.
  13. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/dog_paradox
  14. False. TPBM is a real king, who does real things.
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