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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Pretty sure it's the old Warwick Farm. NSW.
  2. False. We only get 24's and 30's. TPBM has an irrational fear of birds.
  3. http://www.hottug.nl/hottug_en.htm
  4. False. That would have last about half a stomp out here. TPBM has looked at an eclipse before...
  5. I guess so. But if it was organic they would have paid out the fuckin' arse for it and definitely declared 'organic' on the label. I use Madagascar premium vanilla beans, they cost the fuckin' earth. Around $3-$4 a bean for the good stuff! I would love to try it though. I also enjoy that label stock they've used. Classy.
  6. Haha, what the fuck is an unnatural vanilla bean?
  7. Haha, I was just about to ask that myself, about the weirdo in the dodgeball .gif. Looks like he got shot. @I_R: Hahahaha. That's awesome. Also reasonably accurate.
  8. Cider has blown up over the last two years in Australia because the major players finally figured out that it gets taxed at the wine rate, which is significantly lower than a beer tax rate. So they pumped a lot of dollars into massive marketing campaigns and everyone started to like cider, which was great, meant all us tiny players don't have to do any advertising apart from saying we've got it! Methode Cider is bloody good, but most of the shit that's getting pumped out these days is nasty. Cider should be as dry as a nice Champagne. When I get a minute I'll try and get some photos of the other spirits.
  9. False. TPBM is the first one to get to work, and the last one to leave.
  10. True. Macadamia. TPBM is going to grow a moustache in Movember!
  11. False. Avoided though. TPBM has a witty wifi/bluetooth nickname.
  12. False. Same wardrobe. TPBM just ate a steak.
  13. True. TPBM hasn't played any sport in years.
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