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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. It is just a strong ale. Most places uses little, if any spec malt. From memory a brewhouse in England just called their strong ale Barley Wine, and I guess it just caught on. It suits the fact that so many people vintage date their examples, just like wine. This is from the 2008 BJCP Guidelines, so it might not apply anymore; Taken from here; http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style19.php#1c
  2. I'll call my guy and see if he can get me some, $20 for you, probably around $50 here. The synthetic hop thing is crazy, but people think that massive beer productions use Barley to make their beer, when in truth, the massive US guys, like Coors and Budweiser, are using Corn and Rice instead!! Once you get to that stage... is it really still beer?
  3. The only reason green bottles came about was due to a shortage of brown glass, and because the green bottles were imported to the US, they had the idea of being classier, or higher in quality. That's why you get all the Euro stuff (not many exceptions) in a green or clear bottle. Those massive brews, like your Becks, use tetrahop which is a liquid synthetic hop that eliminates most light strike. Since then, with the world going nuts about pollution etc. - brown glass is pretty much not used in large scale operations in Europe, it has something to do with the ability to recycle brown glass? Can't remember exactly. Can > Brown > Green > Clear As a general rule, don't buy beer in a clear bottle. It's probably not real beer. Synthetic brews are at the point now where the technology is good enough that they could (they don't yet) mix the ethanol/tetrahop flavour/carbonated water - at the tap - much like your postmix soda's and what have you. It won't be too long I wouldn't have thought before the really, really big boys start marketing to change public perception on that form of dispense, especially for large scale events. I'll have to try and get a hold of one of those Embarasse!
  4. False. TPBM sometimes wishes nobody knew their phone number. Nobody.
  5. I can't remember their exact tag sign, but they could have at least filled the wall. Wine culture is nauseating, I won't argue there. Selling wine at the moment is a bit of a mugs game in Australia, they smash out so much wine each year now, that you can actually buy a $7 clean skin - get it home - and it's the exact same wine as a $40/bottle. I used to work on bottling lines for extra cash, and you literally have a box counter and once the allotment is filled they shut down the line, change the labels over to another brand, and then fire her back up again. All coming from the same fuckin' tank! Anyway. I won't pollute the beer thread with vigneron nonsense!
  6. False. But I did watch a Louis Theroux about it last week. TPBM has the shakes somethin' fierce.
  7. I move it around a bit, but this is what's up at the moment.
  8. "This is the best beer in region" - no sale "I love this lager, so nice and hoppy" - it's ale, and it's barely got a sniff of hops, which is the actual reason you like it you limp wristed chequered wearing motherfucker. "I don't drink dark beer" - That's fine, you don't like beer. Fuck off, and for future reference, when you order a glass of Stout, it's going to be dark. "I've been drinking beer my whole life, I think I know what I'm talking about" - No, cocksnap, drinking XXXX Gold for thirty years doesn't mean you know anything about beer, it means you're a cheap fuck that bashes his missus. "Just let me take this chewy out of my mouth" - Just let me take those teeth out of your mouth. You remember the bad, more than the good. The good memories in your life don't haunt you, do they? I get mainly positive people, and people that are 'in tune' with how they taste my beers - if you don't like it, that's fine, I am absolutely cool with that, I have no idea how many beers I've tried and not liked. But to assume that because you don't like it makes it bad is one of the dumbest things humans do, across the board.
  9. I get them every fucking day, mate. Everyone is a fucking expert, I got told on Friday that my stout was 'under carbonated', get fucked you idiot, it's a fuckin' stout, it's perfectly within spec and you're just some BA faggot that regurgitates crap he's read online. /rant
  10. False. True. TPBM is taking the anger out on all the wrong people.
  11. The road opens next week, apparently.
  12. Close enough to say true. TPBM is getting rained on.
  13. False. Haven't been with a black bird for about five years. TPBM ONLY uses premium.
  14. True. My own. TPBM knows exactly who the fuck I am.
  15. He's not even the only Chinaman that refuses to move, apparently there are a few of the same down the road from that one.
  16. False, but I'll rip that mic from your arm. TPBM has never seen an east coast sunrise.
  17. True enough, just got called that two minutes ago. TPBM doesn't know what all these new fuckin' brands of paint are.
  18. False. Have you got that on repeat? TPBM gets regular letters from friends.
  19. False. TPBM will see at least 5,000 people tomorrow.
  20. Pretty much what Fuse said. Light strike/taint is non existent in cans. They're cleaner, better sealed, far more easily recycled. They just... make sense? Stelvins were catapulted to market when the global cork shortage become a big deal, they still have their issues. I don't know of any bottling lines laying their bottles down with a stelvin seal around here. Leakage issues.
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