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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'll get you some photos. I've sort of fallen off a bit due to my dry stint. Fuck it, I'll drive down there now. Give me an hour.
  2. I own my workplace, and crimestoppers is a stand up bloke, so I'm not fearing for my job - I just don't want any of the female staff here to cop an eye full. Anyway. My French Ale, known as Surrender Ale, has turned out insane. 11%. Bashes Belgians by the bucketload. @JC: I'm Australian.
  3. False. No idea what you're talking about. TPBM just realised what fuckin' time it is.
  4. We'll find out for sure on the 22nd. TPBM wonders if the Mayans factored the introduction of arbitrary time zones into their calculations.
  5. Multiuse. TPBM carries a money clip, no wallet.
  6. Duuuude, don't make this another thread I can't check at work.
  7. True, and I have knobs on myself for my home made pot pies. TPBM is wondering who THE FUCK STOLE THEIR PEN, AGAIN!!>!>!>!>!!!()*!&%#*^!@
  8. True. No kids for me though. TPBM thinks his missus mum is a hottie.
  9. True. Then I grew up to be in my late twenties playing a game of true and false on the internet with people I've never met. STAY IN SCHOOL. TPBM didn't need school to get over.
  10. True, except for the blunts and the mojitos. TPBM lives where the sun rises, not sets, over the ocean.
  11. Nope. TPBM does their hair every morning.
  12. True. TPBM sometimes considered 12oz their dirty little secret.
  13. True. Fuckin' Steinlager, what the fuck!? TPBM drinks their hard liquor straight up, no mixer, even though you know it won't fix ya.
  14. Haha. I'm Australian, mate, they can all kill me. True. TPBM has an irrational fear of birds.
  15. True. TPBM smells of Xylene and sweat.
  16. True. Every day for the last 15 years. TPBM knows who I'm talking about.
  17. False. TPBM uses a computer for work.
  18. True. Smash the piss out of that, nothing like good training. TPBM has an STD.
  19. True. TPBM is ahead in the chase, never catchin' a case.
  20. I bought a jacket for a Japanese broad... So. True? TPBM drives a Japanese car.
  21. False. No idea was lucci is. TPBM buys CD's after downloading them, if they're dope enough.
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