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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. False. TPBM just wants to get to the next fuckin' page already.
  2. False. I fucking love my Emperor size bed. Big pimpin'. TPBM doesn't know what that smell is.
  3. Fuckin' hell, when can we get a next page!? Those Monks are makin' bank.
  4. True. TPBM was expecting an image uploaded with that true.
  5. True. TPBM is wondering why it's raining on the 13th of December. Where is Summer?!
  6. Put a couple down yesterday, always good to have that inside information. TPBM would drop it all and skip town in a heartbeat.
  7. Yep. Coming into Christmas it's only going to get worse, Tango.
  8. Truth. Is like a long day of drinking beer, it's going to come out eventually. TPBM is happy to pay for it.
  9. True. Medically. TPBM hates the smell of a hospital.
  10. Starting with a kit is the best way to go. I know a couple of people that leapt straight into full grain mash due to self confidence, and I know at least one them only ever laid down two disappointing brews then gave up. The kits are a great stepping stone, and the fermentation side is really where a lot of your flavour qualities are going to be earned. If you have any questions there's a few crew in here happy to help. I'm always happy to, as long as you can convert metric!
  11. Dear Alcohol, Do you need me as much as I need you? If I drink you all will I win? Am I winning? Cheers, Pro
  12. Hahaha. I hope to all fuck that his town is pronounced 'KA-NOO'
  13. False. Pretty happy with my selection of Vodkas, but I guess I'm kind of cheating there. TPBM was meant to have today off.
  14. Nah. It was just a few igniters taped together, from home hot water systems. TPBM has shot a nail gun at somebody.
  15. I've had two people call in sick already, so no mash today. But some American White Oak is getting a custom char to pull out some unique flavours.
  16. Heavily dependent on who it is. But I'll go false. TPBM's 430am starts remind them or their crack days.
  17. I swear I saw some dieler tags on Wellington St a few weeks ago.
  18. Haha. I don't spew. Call me 'seasoned'. TPBM knows just what to pop to get them to sleep.
  19. True. True. True. True. True. TPBM thinks fair trade coffee is a load of wank.
  20. Thanks blokes. Also, haha at the Willie reference. I'm actually doing a mash tomorrow morning, so I'll snap some photos. The missus left her schmancy fancy camera here, so they might even be good photos. Also, Absinthe is nearly ready. I'll get some photos of that too. I wonder what the statute of limitations is for grimey shit you've said on the internet... I'm pretty proud of my new labels... I'll think about it.
  21. Excuse the glass. But she came out with a massive floral hit, would stand up and fight against a lot of well known Belgians.
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