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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. zythos + citra would be a massive hop profile! I wish I could get citra, has been almost impossible to buy it over here recently, so I had to switch to zythos. Oatmeal stout is what's good.
  2. False. TPBM is living on the 21st - laughin' their arse off at the doomsday people that live down the road.
  3. Yes. Sleeping.... TPBM has a penchant for jam doughnuts and meat pies, washed down with a chocolate milk.
  4. True. Left her on a park bench in a country town in the middle of nowhere. Still feel bad about it. TPBM has no remorse.
  5. False. I could never be fucked cleaning the aquarium. TPBM was thinking of a different Snaggletooth.
  6. False. I still have no idea who those people are. TPBM knows the ins and outs of the music industry.
  7. False. These days I have this weird respect for women thing happening. The ten year ago protester would have been a firm TRUE. TPBM has inserted a marker into a young female, with the cap off.
  8. No idea who any of these people are. TPBM isn't looking forward to a 37deg day today.
  9. False. But I'm working on it. TPBM is ready for the world to end.
  10. Wouldn't want to lose that ring finger.
  11. False. It's not even 8am. TPBM has bills overdue, money to pay them, and just can't be fucked.
  12. Haha. I just read a 34 page document on industry ethics for real estate. Classic.
  13. Saw this yesterday, thought that must be one big arse tab...
  14. Always best to have a fountain around when drinking the real deal. I'm finding it pretty tricky to get that French sugar, but normal cube suffice for the process. You used vodka to dilute it? Crazy. CRAZY.
  15. False. TPBM has been to counselling before.
  16. True. The older stuff I don't think they found anything over 11mg/L. Australia caps it at 35mg/l, I just paid $1300 for a lab test to verify mine. Interestingly enough, thujone in lab form has never been brought into Australia until I just did it - so I have no idea how the other two made in the country were analysed? Anyway, looks like we just scraped in at 33/34mg/L. Which is pretty damn high in the Absinthe world. Love that hand numbered bottle, there's a bit of theatre about things like that. Pop it open mate!
  17. F A L S E TPBM is having a mid life crisis.
  18. My utopia is an environment. Drugs are bad, kids.
  19. It might've been loosened, but not lost.
  20. Aboriginal bird at the train station. True. TPBM is sick of me relating things to an Australian answer.
  21. So you needed your whole team to surround him and help you out? Sounds like a bitch move to me.
  22. I was in the city today, cop was on the other side of the lights so excuse the angle. Thought of all of you.
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