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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. By my measure, true. Compared to what some of the dudes on here are saying smash too... false. TPBM just got a new pair of shades.
  2. In quest of the sandwich hat, I came across some interesting artefacts.
  3. http://www.juancole.com/2011/01/over-9000-murders-by-gun-in-us-39-in-uk.html
  4. Hot yoghurt sounds terribly wrong. False. TPBM just remembered they were going to put a hat on a sandwich yesterday.
  5. False. I'm working on mine first. TPBM should probably lay off the painkillers.
  6. OCD? I've never overdosed. Virgin veins over here. TPBM has hated everyone in the room, while everyone in the room loved them.
  7. Aged care on a community order. True, I've done it, False, I'll never do it again. TPBM has volunteered to help those less fortunate.
  8. Dear Decy, Check the 'post your meals' thread in a few hours. Well, go to sleep if you can. But I'll hook you up. Cheers, thepro
  9. Well, my thumb is attached to my fist, so... True. TPBM thinks there's a bad moon rising.
  10. Dear Decy, We can only but try to entertain you. Would it be better if I wore a funny hat? Cheers, thepro
  11. It's only eleven thirty there, old man! /normallyinbedbynineOner
  12. I go ambidextrous on a quick fill/hot spot. But no breakage. Truelse. TPBM has a penchant for candy.
  13. False. I pay no attention to a New Yorker claiming to be Aussie. FUCK! False. IT WAS ME ALL ALONG. TPBM started drinking at the age of thirteen, just like Mel Gibson.
  14. True. But it wasn't consensual. The dog got raped. Damn you! False. I got spots running right now. TPBM has been attacked by a dog before.
  15. Assuming we're talking about this; ...False. I have one on my property for when I'm too far from the homestead or office when I need to take a crap. TPBM has never crapped in a public toilet.
  16. False. But I had a non semen stained one as a youngster. TPBM still has some toys from when they were young.
  17. He understood. It doesn't matter what it looks like, it matters what it says. He understood.
  18. True. TPBM really wants to get out of the game, but these calls from Mums, mates and cops makes them feel like some things never change.
  19. Fuckin' sweet mate. Duvel Golden is awesome as well!
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