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Southern Smite

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Everything posted by Southern Smite

  1. You go over Bzee then put your little faggot face on the web? Don't make me come there and throw your fake zulu wizard ass in the river. You can practice your fairy flippin spray tags on the way down, dingdong. And Mike Atkinson: You never did graffiti ever in your life. You can't even do art. You suck at TWO things you try so hard to do. That must really suck. I won't say anything else since you already have it pretty rough.
  2. And if i see you trying to get this passed I will punch you in the face because you are basically stealing from the people and giving to fucking assholes. Reverse robin hood if you will. Eat shit retards
  3. This WILL NOT help! Unless you are a big business or the government, in which case you can just come in and get in on the green rush and get even richer while ruining local economies. You hippy assholes need to get it the fuck together and realize that this bill would create such a shitquake that it will blow your bob marley black light poster and sweet bong right off the goddamn wall. Keep pot ILLEGAL
  4. If such a book were created it was cause a shitnami with shit waves so colossal and unforgiving that it's shit breeze alone would rip babies heads clean off from hundreds of miles away. It would be like when that giant marshmellow man came and crushed shit in ghost busters, but in book form. It would be fucked up. These mega squares are not ready to heed my internet words, but I would not care because I would charge so much money I would have my own island that was a boat AND helicopter. This way my island would not be toy like all those other islands because I can go wherever I want and not stay in one lame body of water.
  5. You would not say it is "meh" or "alright" if you knew where that was. That ain't some back alley behind food lion shit like most of VA is. You would not even do a tag there.
  6. You sound like a toy. If you weren't you wouldn't be stuck in the situation you're in and complaining online to a bunch of people you don't know. Why don't you get up and get out and go make some money instead of making excuses and wasting space being annoying/annoyed on someone else's couch. You could: stay with a hot girl you're fornicating with, make/spend money and get a suite with a heated pool, buuut no...you're staying with some frat kid hippies cause you're a TOY.
  7. What do you do? Sell a little weed? Put up some stickers? No one cares dude. You'll be okay.
  8. I am so enthralled that big "tempus" thinks that "reti" is "tearing layers into graffiti" with his best piece yet! I really had no clue that these guys were getting up all over the place with innovative styles. I should really check this site out more!
  9. Oh now that's rich! Way to tell him, straight bar man! You all suck. Paint some throw ups.
  10. That van needs to have a boot put on it. Too many unpaid toy tickets. Yeah sorry. I'm not sorry!
  11. All of those photos are in Richmond, Virginia. When you have no idea what you're talking about please don't say anything. Just take notes and maybe learn something instead of continuing your ding dongery. Those flicks are awesome. It's only going to go downhill from here, and this toy already started the slippery shit slope.
  12. So what! It didn't get posted. The opposite side of this sad truck I have done why are you not here? Where is my side? In need of bumps in this cold binary world Put on my jacket tonight for you are not here Where are you? I cannot spray without you Internet exposure Searching for thee in this bleek midwinter
  13. I will not be going to mojos cause i'm not trying to be sucka duckin all night.
  14. You wrote on some suburban white people's moving truck in the shit vortex of god knows where, va. Absolutely no one would see this if you didn't post it on the internet. Way to stick it to the middle class, brother. I mean it's fine that you did that. People do these things, but airing it out on the internet like you did something spectacular for the world is a little much.
  15. I never ever like anything posted on this piece of shit forum, but this is a small jello sphere of genius. Thank you.
  16. And way to come to a city and blast over people that have been writing since probably around you were born. So stupid. Oh and how you gonna write on my post office like that? My post office honeys are gonna be so pissed.
  17. Bump that shit!!! That post so sick and so new it needed to be posted again! BUMP THIS GUY I KNOW THAT GUY I KNOW THIS TOY I KNOW. BUMP! THAT'S WHATS UP!
  18. Self promotion is only good if the picture is something worthwhile that isn't the same run of the mill shit you have to wade through on the internet these days. I want to go ahead and say that everything on this page is absolute garbage.(except for these guys cause they have been painting on things)
  19. Yo bump that shit. I only bump shit that gets bumped, that's how you know it's bumpin. Think of all the stuff that DIDN'T get posted on the web. There must be literally millions of spray tags done.
  20. Why does this guy talk so much? He should go paint and stop talking. I'll give him my new oink art mini mop filled with witches brew if he shuts the hell up. Who else wants to give this guy stuff if he stops talking?
  21. You knows things have gone horribly wrong when some one posts a snow tag from some random from god knows where. Internets!
  22. Why would you "bump" that? That shit is not good. And the fact a crown was placed on top is a little ridiculous. This is why the internet graffiti is really hot right now. You've got people that do absolutely nothing and are not good, but they've got fools giving them "bumps." I shouldn't have to be exposed to this. I must be a sadist.
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