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Southern Smite

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Posts posted by Southern Smite

  1. I will clear things up,


    1. I would like to know who the fuck I messaged and asked where are there spots to paint? Specially in VA when I know most of them.


    2. New york...Come on Im in 1134 and know Goal personally and kicked it with mad heads out there this weekend and I have proof if that settles anything.


    3. Clemer-Lemer: Didnt notice it when I first started writing it but Im sure in hell not going to change my name becasue some one told me to or adviced me to over the internet specially when I have talked to lemer about it, We were talking about doing a Leapfrog together at one point.


    This entire post. Yes, you will need to prove you kicked it with mad ny heads. If I said I kicked it with a leprachuan you'd ask for proof too.

  2. don't you little dudes pay attention to your history. you can't write CLEMER or any combo of those letters when there is already a LEMER. what the fuck.


    Wait, what? Not even any combo of those letters? I'm pretty sure "Lemer" wasn't in spray can art or anything so what history book are you looking at? The highly revered 2004 Virginia Book of Graff? Come on buddy. What's super funny is you coming on here whining because someone write Clemer and trying to flex online.

  3. Hey buddy, I hate to break it to you but the world doesn't revolve around "Nova." No ones notoriety or street cred really depends on how much paint they've applied to chill walls in lorton and springfield. I'm truly sorry that you are just now finding this out. So so sorry

  4. I like how these days if someone says you are not good on the internet then they are "haters" and that if you have haters or even one hater then you must be doing something right. This is not right. If you suck, which you probably do, just admit to yourself that you are not good. It's fine, you don't need to get on the internet and gas yourself up by saying you have haters and how you're really doing it big. Goofballs.

  5. So...you were painting(under a fucking bridge no less) and you addressed him as sir and asked if it bothered him? Come on buddy. I think you should just stay inside from now on if you can't even handle being a bridge troll. At least you could wash your pants further down river after getting safely away from an old man.

  6. Wait a second, so when you go out late at night you want to see tough looking people that may rob or jump you? Is this right? Too many pussies out late? Well if you're so bummed about this why don't you stop whining and go out there and make it tough again, pussy boy! Go rob these homo rainbow ravers in their furry faggot pants!

  7. You know that's good money for a bi weekly pay. Suck it mang, ima take you and your girl out to dinner.



    Then I will fuck her asshole while you watch.



    That's 41,600 a year. I wouldn't even say that amount enters into the "hood rich" bracket. Even if you're using that to diversify your portfolio it really isn't anything to boast about.

  8. I was going to send a private message to this guy, but apparently he doesn't want that. Soooo...you're getting put on blast, buddy.


    My advice is to just stop. You're doing everything wrong. You're not even doing graffiti and you're not really doing art. I have no idea what it is. Some sort of country scrawl. You're not going anywhere, especially if you keep painting the same boring wall with the same boring blobs. Would you want to keep going to the same sandwich spot that has bland ass sandwiches? That uses pretty much the same ingredients but mixes it up sometimes and every once in awhile they'll light it on fire for some wow factor, but then you still get a bland ass soggy sandwich. Not only that but it's fucking burnt. Maybe one time it will have a mohawk and will be wearing sunglasses, but what good is that? It's a fucking sandwich.

    You need to realize that you need to grow some balls and go do a goddamn tag. Or maybe a fill in. Even if it sucks if you keep doing it people will notice. Then that would be like going to the sandwich spot and them giving you a really bitchin cheese steak. Sure it's really simple but it's really awesome and that's what a sandwich should be. No bullshit filler all lettuce sandwich

  9. Yeah, dude....throw a couple letters on the end or something to make it a little less conflicting. Let's go with ST.(Like st as in street, to show that you are from the streets of an urban environment. Therefore tough and more hip hop) Then add a number to further differentiate yourself from the other guy. How about a 2. So....KAEST 2. Problem Solved.

  10. to sf boss hog. i appreciate the support. but you need to realize im straight white boy wood and dont like niggers. i take offense to this cunt sayin we are all niggers..



    Nice try, hippy. We all know you're hittin the heady hacky sack around with your rasta brethren.

  11. 0ozel.jpg


    Who is this woman? At first I was disappointed I didn't know who this was, but then I realized I don't keep up with babes on the internet. I like to look at girls that are that cute in real life, preferably in my bed while I count stacks.


    I would date this woman if her intelligence matched her fashion sense. She is very forward yet refined. Revealing in some ways while still retaining class.


    I saw a girl who looked just like this girl except with dark hair who worked at a high end designer store(Not anywhere near where you fucks shop at) the other day. I should probably go back there and give her some sex. Thanks for listening.

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