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  1. Swan

    Israel thread

    just trying some simple 3D ^^^
  2. Swan

    Israel thread

    whatever haikar hashlita mishtaperet.....
  3. Swan

    Israel thread

    crapy arrows... thanx for the post man =)
  4. Swan

    Israel thread

    whel first of all there are some pieces in hebrew with NIKUD (the vowels) and its probably Gam but it can be Gem goom is גום gim is גים and we are used to it... we know the words.. and if it is not a real word we guess.. like אשך can be Ashah or Esheh... but we know it is Ashah...
  5. Swan

    Israel thread

    some hebrew shit not mine, it's all Seg... i hope he don't mind... and by the way, it's very old stuff.... not regular hebrew letters, as you can see
  6. Swan

    Israel thread

    its JUNK 7, and he already switched it.....
  7. Swan

    Israel thread

    stuff some old wall then some CWC bombing and then TFM by Spank and the last one is a sketch of mine
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