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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^Used to chill with the Green Arrow. He kept trying to give me tips on growing a sick ass mustache, but I kept telling him "...my shit doesn't grow like yours bigG! You got that hella thick 'Gentleman's Stash' and I just can't grow mine like that!" He looked at me and said... "Look at this Arrow, green with power and straight as... a perfectly good, ...normal, arrow. Do you think it has always been this way?" I just look at him in all his super powering knowledge and glory and simply said... "Yes mother fucker. You're the fucking Green Arrow, of course your shit has always been that way, and my mustache ain't ever gonna be like yours! SHIT!" ------------------ Does anyone know of any way to put the ink into the marker? Oh yeah... how do I make ink, and whats a marker? Thanks in advance! Stay up!
  2. ...Or "2001 Crew." That kid smashed broad street!
  3. DONT ADD ANYTHING TO DED. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? It's not just some ink you just paid for. In my opinion, there is nothing else needed for DED. Adding shit would only make it worse, not better. Throw that shit into a mop, NOT A PILOT, and use it all up... see the truth and then get some more! Leave it be. It works... Better than just fine. Two drops in the bucket... Fuckit! Stay up kid.
  4. Wait... It's not LK? Thats what I thought when I first saw it too. Bump Lost Kalidoscopes!!
  5. ^^AUGGHHH!!! That hurt my mind a little in some weird way. Just didn't compute. I think I puked a little in my mouth... ughhh!
  6. ^^love that joke. I'm in as well. The last issue was great!
  7. ^^Damn girl! You got some freaky feet! You need to stop playin' with ya man's markers... and get some slippers on them boomarang toes!
  8. ^^bump cats actually getting shit done. DED - getting fame and my dollars like a small paycheck! (every bit helps!) Oink - made me look... and will be getting my dollars as well. (Good looking out on the selection of suppplies, I will be making that order with you soon.) Stay up!
  9. and if you live in America... Googled... ^^get em here, but they are still $30 bucks for one streak. You probably aren't going to find these in a rackable area near you.
  10. GO TO: http://www.google.com TYPE: Sakura + "glow in the dark" CLICK: search button Why is this stuff so hard to do. Not trying diss anyone with THIS post, but seriously... ARE YOU GUYS THIS LAZY WHEN YOU ARE NOT ON THE INTERNET?
  11. Is he not feeling well today? He should wrap a hot towel around his head, and then lay down for a while. Feel better champ!
  12. Anyone peep the SNAKES roof topper?? (don't worry, you will see it, its really eye pleasing) Will try and get a flick tomorrow morning. Listened to the "Essential O'jays" record on repeat today at work... Was a good day.
  13. ^^WORD THAT. A good amount of peeps could use this advice for a lot of questions they ask on here.
  14. Good looks Pharaoh... TOTALLY TRUE. It's just a classic "marsh marker." Made my first one in the early 90's... The best markers can be made from almost any corner store. Get innovative. Stay up.
  15. I was wondering about that flix/day... Now I get it! hahahaha.... wait... no I don't. Or do I?? Bumpski Comrad Dickoskiavich!
  16. I'd be stoked to bench either of those cars.
  17. If you want white... I would suggest mixing your own OIL based White paint for mop. It's super easy to get the thickness that you want and its more opaque then white ink... as far as what I have seen. I have not seen the White Marsh... but if you are buying it, get the black. It IS opaque.
  18. ^^KEEP THE COTTON... Hell KEEP THE INK. Pilot Ink IS REALLY expensive and not that bad. Mix that garvey ink you got right into that Pilot(black only). The newer "high octane" inks batches can clog up Pilots... (someone help me out here, is this right?) Although... DED "indoorsman" works GREAT for me in Pilot markers.
  19. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Thank you! Life is SOOO much better because of knowing the story first and now seeing the flick! And HELL NAW! You DO NOT punch Hubbards Car! Which is a truck actually. Yo dirty... want to drink an entire keg and watch movies this weekend?
  20. ^^also, paint thinner and ink don't work well together. Most all ink's should already be thin enough to drip just fine. Use the thinner in your paint mixes.
  21. ^^if you want good drips, you gotta not use that "made for graffiti" marker. I'm serious. There are so many OTS(off the shelf) markers and mops that work WAY better. For instance... Window Markers---> These are poster/window markers for kids. They are smaller than the OTR's and you can squeeze them for more flow, although you don't even need to with good ink. With paint, they work so good! If you want drips... stick OTS rather than OTR. Good luck. Stay up!
  22. "free Prismas work fine too" ^^haha!! Yeah they do! Even better!
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