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  1. Big up bros!! Thats what i call paying your respects. RIP Jays! We will keep all your work in memory
  2. Kesta

    Hong Kong

    where are all these graff come from?? i'm in hk now and i dunt see shit anywhere?!
  3. sa c au store THIRD a downtown de vancouver?!
  4. waddup vancouver! all the way from montreal!!! hasting park
  5. A Vancouver Demos Sewer Rufit kesta oben kzam kesta wase oben kesta kers icer josef sake jazz kemt jaws kesta oben oben renz Quebec: kesta oben kzam
  6. wassup people, i'm from montreal and i'm in vancouver right now and i wanna know where are the walls in vancouver?!
  7. Saer et serak Block et Saer Ewol et fone Fief Renz(zner) et Meor Zner oper Nose et Wase
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