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The 75oz Prophet

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  1. Si si Bess et Spana! La famille a Barcelona!!
  2. MOT! (comme dirait mon idole le Roi Heenok) :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Pour tous vos p'tits fanatiques de gros metro!! :D :D :D
  4. :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled:
  5. Feeling that piece Criz, bbbbbump!! Yo les potos du 514, restez au chaud ;) peace
  6. Y'a moyen de les voir en plus grand ou quoi?? Big up aux potos!
  7. Ou ptetre que jsuis francais aussi, t'as vu...et si je parlais vraiment comme on parle, personne comprendrais rien, alors jme retiens... mais on se connait toi et moi, merci encore pour le ride l'autre fois ;) peace au fait moi et mes potos on rock en cosla! lol
  8. Quote: "tu chis un tas de marde a 500$ c'est pas si pire.." Reponse: tu demande a un peintre de te peindre ton mur en blanc ou une seule couleur, on verra si il te charge que 500$..... Quote: "mai avou ke les spot ki donne son tres bon" Reponse: bah ils vont pas faire de la pub pour leur produit a turcot ou au TA non plus... et si tu pense pouvoir poser ton blaze....TU REVES!!!!
  9. Et aussi nique le putain de journaliste qui a ecrit l'article dans le quotidien gratuit "Metro" daté du 1er Juin pour faire croire que c'est pour "embellir le centre-ville," "donner libre cours a [nos] talent," nous "permettre de [nous] exprimer et de [nou]s epanouir," quand il s'agit de promouvoir une companie privee qui paye 500$ aux gagnants!!!!! va demander a une boite de graphisme ou de murales de faire une oeuvre originale qui entre dans le cadre de leur strategie marketing pour seulement 500$....HAHAHAHAHAHA!! THIS IS A FU.....ING JOKE!!! these fools are insulting us, and I hope their murals get covered with nasty drippy throw ups!!!!!!!!!
  10. Nique ca!!! tous ceux qui participent sont des TOYS!!!!! Nique brahma, et nique l'exploitation des artistes de rue! lis le putian de reglement.....et si tu participe quand meme t''es une putain de baltringue, SA MERE!!
  11. check le space invaders :scrambled:
  12. what's the point of saying who they are? good for those who can read the pieces, and too bad for those who can't (not only writers hang on 12oz...)
  13. My grandma doesn't watch tv anymore cause she only watches soaps and she's pretty much watched every soap on the planet (yeah yeah, even those spanish and mexican ones, so what if she doesn't speak the language?? how complicated can it be?!), but I'll tell her to come on 12oz now, the best new soaps are mos definitely right here!! :D :lol: :D :lol:
  14. to put things straight i'm on nobody's side, couldn't give a shit if you all meet up and murder yourselves, i just want to point a few things out... when a canadian says fuck the states its political... no graffer would ever say fuck such or such country because of its graff scene, thats just ridiculous, and gives a little too much importance to our little pass time here... otherwise talking about nyc styles....where they at?! I haven't seen any new nyc style since the mid 90s! its like the whole city stagnated style-wise or something...a large chunk of the cats you see up (today or in the past years) with pieces and rollers in nyc are out of towners like amaze, espo, revs, oclock and more recently JAMER!! you still got local bombing kings around, but overall ny seems to be locked down by non-nyers, and I've seen how much jealousy and controversy jamer generated.... but i can also understand how frustrating it is to bomb a city like The Mecca with a 30 year old graff history and where most active writers are underage toys, where people are actively encouraged to rat on you (informa fi dead!) and where risks are overall pretty high... These days west coast graffiti is the shit, and when them guys come in town they dont go over every or any body. they got serious heat out there too, maybe even more than nyc in cities like l.a, and they pull out some insane styles nevertheless! when they come here they put their shit up and gwaan.... more generally, i don't like to talk that much on forums, and don't understand why guys who are established in the game feel the need to respond to any comment about them on the net (this has happened way too often on this thread)... let the cans do the talking, cause that's what we do best... anyways, i didn''t mean to write a novel or anything, insult or offend anybody, there's just too much talk around this whole thing (and just fell like adding some :D ). peace to all REAL writers, anywhere you're from, old school or new school
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