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Everything posted by sec187

  1. stoled.... So I went to do this tube backjump with a few people the night I arrived in London. Im 30 seconds into it and I hear knocking coming from inside the train on the window above the first E as im filling it in. I look up and theres a driver on his phone screaming at me "YOU FUCKIN CUNT! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I ran over to the next car where the others were doing an e2e and told them the driver was on his phone and saw us. The reply I got came from that of the mindstate that many of the new subway writers seem to embrace. "Mate, it takes 6 minutes on average for the police to arrive. Go back and finish in 4 minutes." As I turend around we, 4 grown men in ski masks, were confronted by the driver who had gotten off the train. My partner calmly picked up the bolt cutters and said "you're a fuckin driver, not a cop. Get back on the train and do your fuckin job." The driver replied "right, then." I followed him back to the end car and hurriedly tried to finish. As we were finishing we could see flashlights about 75 yards away coming down the tracks and lighting up the path for the barking dogs on their way to fuck us up. I had just enough time to take this pic before running... This type of action was to set the tone for the entire trip. The full story will be in the book due out soon enough.
  2. sec187

    Wash DC

    That Cycle!!! ill look at that shit all day
  3. sec187

    Wash DC

    interesting you see it that way.... I just lurk in this thread and 70% of the shit in here is crap...the thread has just recently picked up again to where it is enjoyable to view. I would rather see old reposted flicks than the same dude posting of 50 this shit ass hands, or the usual bickering that goes on in here, but whatever its your thread do what you will.... keep up the good work Amen Cert Cave Pear Rezist Rob Nehi.....
  4. sec187

    Wash DC

    GHOST...Find another name:rolleyes: :confused: :rolleyes: someone else has been doing it far longer....
  5. sec187


    I hope there are invisible (s)(/s) tags on your statement about the fill....
  6. sec187


    LOL. thats a fun spot
  7. sec187


    exactly "looks"....
  8. sec187

    Wash DC

  9. sec187

    Wash DC

    i was wondering the same thing
  10. sec187

    Wash DC

    Why dont you "preview " post before posting.... Edit* aimed at the guy from the bottom of the last page
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