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Everything posted by MilburnDrysdale

  1. homo isn't uk...just a friend, and his shit burns at least 80% of what i saw in this thread
  2. dark horse, you're my hero...oh and uk va definatly wins...undisputed kings
  3. that tend is most definatly in southside...
  4. you can be boys with someone and not be in the same crew
  5. whoa buddy, don't get all upset, i wasn't talking shit, i was making a valid response to someone else talking shit
  6. i don't know who you're talking about, but you should actually take a look around richmond, b/c there aren't many kids in richmond putting in work lately like cevs and lemer have been
  7. and that lemer billboard was hot, i got the flick, its comin later
  8. damn, i thought for sure someone would have posted those cville flicks by now
  9. tight ass flicks jethro...bump all that shit, especially that mc production and that seiz cevs jank
  10. damn, half the flicks i was about to post are already on the last 2 pages, here's a few though
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