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Lew Blum

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Everything posted by Lew Blum

  1. It's funny you say that because I had a similar experience. Here's how it came out:
  2. Give him the stick DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK
  4. #instagram #selfie #2014 #lulz #krink #jordans #hashtag #raveculture #dogpictures #dogstagram #catdoingsomethingmildlyamusing #jdm4lyfe #docmartins #lastpersontoreplythread #dontbother #eraseitfromyourmind #lewblumwillwinanipod #postingisunnecessary #lewblumisvictorious #bieber #cleantrains #yogapants #lookatmyart #picturesofmydinner #iamsuccesffullandthisprovesit #thiscouldbeusbut #drake #weirdasiannewskappa
  5. As we all know New York has the best pizza. When I travel for work I'm always forced to eat this shit that they call pizza but is basically just sandwich bread with tomato sauce slathered on top and warmed up under a heating lamp for ahhhhhhh yes. Read the sentence which I type. Take in the information, and begin to form your own opinion, even before I've made my point. Become defensive of the place in which you were raised/ currently reside. Present opinions and preferences as facts in order to win the argument. Become enraged that someone could see the world in a way different than yourself and become angrier still when said person refuses to accept your argument as correct. Become more and more frustrated. Focus on the task at hand. Let all other things sink to the back of your mind until they are gone forever. Let the last person to reply thread melt away from your consciousness until it is forgotten completely, allowing Lew Blum to post unchallenged. You have more important matters to attend to. Give in completely without any thoughts or cares. The last person to reply thread is unimportant. It has now left your mind entirely, and forever fuckin Ellio's or some shit that you get at 7-11! I mean come on, am I right or am I right?!?!?!?!?
  6. Re: random thoughts I'm glad you made this thread. It is an invaluable resource to distract people from the last person to reply thread.
  7. See, the thing about beards is that in the summer time it's too hot out to have one that's long and in the winter it doesn't really that's right keep reading this post and forgetting to post after Lew Blum in the last person to reply thread. Go about your day as you normally would, talking with strangers about beards and hipsters and beard lengths, all the while allowing the last person to reply thread to slip further and further back into your subconscious. The more you talk about beards, the further it goes, until you've finally forgotten completely to the barber I usually go to but he was on vacation. Man, I sure do like beards. What's your opinion?
  8. http://www.weirdasianews.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Kappa.jpg
  9. Lew Blum

    The "S"

    This thread is great it's a good thing I made it to increase the awareness of the "S" thank you for contributing to this and reading the words that I am typing.
  10. Lew Blum

    The "S"

    What's that i see in the lower right?
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