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Everything posted by downsouthjnkin

  1. so all of my pics are recycled but lets keep the bullshit outta here i want this to be a reference for all the up and coming writers so they can know there history and see our style
  2. bump that cert and eon that shit is hot
  3. damn yo bump that some sime Celo(smk) damn thems some good pics
  4. ^^^^^^^now that shit is funny
  5. i know that noise bomb is still running on that truck as of friday
  6. ok we get it you painted the bridge, cool, it takes talent to do a heaven like that..... oh i mean it takes talent to piece on a heaven like that, now, a bridge that looked good looks like shit because of you assholes.. . oh and you know what else, i dont know if i can even comprehend a situation which would blow a spot up more than what you all did. but you know what? You guys do it everywhere so screw it you are up more than me but i would rather be up next to GOOD writers who WILL ACCTUALLY PAINT WITH ME..... and clockwork A.J Doesnt shouldnt have had to respond to you just let it go. and yes you did get burned by A.J (its all good though they sell aloe at cvs) i know you can fight your own battles AJ but it pisses me off that these kids have no respect for a REAL WRITER :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. bump eon that dude is siiiiiiiiick
  8. chuck norris ate a 70 pound steak in an hour and he spent the first 45 minutes banging his waitress
  9. bump bump bump for my boy rivs hit me up dog im finally gettin my shit together bump for that spok tooo right behind my work
  10. i mean ekwis fills arent that bad they look kinda tight but the man has no letter style
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