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Everything posted by nihilcuro

  1. Does anybody have flicks of Greensboro writers? I'll be moving down there this month and was trying to get an idea for the scene if there is one. I'm mostly focused on freights...any freight writers down there? Hopefully I'll bump into some of you sometime
  2. they were all on the same boxcar, I shoulda gotten a flick of the whole thing
  3. first time anybodies flickd my streaks, thanks for noticing:)
  4. be careful with that shit....take too much and drink too much and you might have a mad freak out in a caboose like I did....:huh: ;)
  5. visited yer city today, shit looked awesome. I'll be leavin b-more and joinin you folks soon. dub yer killin it!
  6. some of these in the other thread...might as well carry them over here *stolen from bilk*
  7. nihilcuro


    saw a real nice Ichabod up in Jessup MD tonight, silver with a black outline all along the bottom of a car
  8. Hah, good advice, thanks. I'd probably be smart to start with an easier word, but I kinda like doing something difficult. Do you have an flicks of your stuff?
  9. I just started writing Otis, but I'm having a real hard time getting an O to flow with the rest of the word. I was just streaking Otis for awhile but I guess that became my identity so I started trying to work with it. I've been looking around for some real good o-starters but can't find too many, they all just look restricted. I'm kinda growin fond of the word though. Its hard to ditch a name when its become assiociated with me. I think my graffiti growth has also been stunted though. My ex-boyfriend was a writer so I was around it all the time, but tried to jump into more complicated shit cause thats what he was doing and its all I knew. Now I'm hanging around a lotta really good folks and doing the same shit, trying to regress back to the basics but its hard as shit and keeps jumbling stuff up. It seems starting with streight letters is the way to go, but fuck that goddamn O. Lotsa work ta be done...kinda makes me wanna give up on aersol and stick with mah greese pens.
  10. nihilcuro

    Yard Safety

    Does anybody know if workers are generally more cool with streaking then painting? Of course they are people who are all going to react differently, but I was just wondering about people's experiances.
  11. nihilcuro

    Yard Safety

    No offence man, but that's a horrible idea. Boxcars aren't supposed to be open, and you rarely see them open in yards anyway because they get closed pretty quickly. Any worker would probably close an open boxcar if they saw it in the yard, meaning you'd get your ass shut in there. That'd be hell. This is a great thread. I've only been going in yards for a little while. I never made a lot of the nessesary connections to be safe, and knew about humping but never concidered all the shit that could happen with it. I feel like this shit could save my life. That vertigo thing was really helpful. I was streaking at a lay up the other day and hoped up on a couple to watch a train go by, and got an intense dizyness since I was so close to it. Definately a good tip. Being in a yard without learning this shit is like driving a car if you don't know how. Fuckin around with death machines.
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