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Everything posted by antikone

  1. killin em softly, naw fuck that straight murderin bitches
  2. damn that gime kills on the freeway
  3. best of 08 already...damn sikk shit
  4. damn!! gime a lot of cities could benefit from u droppin by..
  5. tommy chong bro the perfect host...70s hippie wagons as prizes YYYYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  6. ok if these two kings of cleaning supplies met in battle who would win and why?
  7. third eye theory and cable ...outta tacoma
  8. man fuck a roller...get the insectacide/weed sprayers that are like huge and u pust some paint thin it out pump and spray...not great for tall pieces but for long ass pieces works great
  9. good idea just not trustworthy enough of ppl to be able to send any of my shit through the mail...not wantin to get fucked over..
  10. yoo dekor man weres the new stuff!?!?! i know u fucks arer paintin!!!
  11. shiat they are rated as an "A+" in my books haha
  12. i demand more dekor and mech!!!!haha but these are stolen
  13. that serj tankian has the right idea goin solo their last 2 albums tanked pretty bad...older cds +++ but newer --- hes wrapped up in his new solo cd and running serjical strike records his own label..if any one had heard the song dance of the manatee from fair to midland they are signed under his label also he is way into government shit so thats a ---
  14. i lost my homie man that fucker finnal turned up like 4 days later i guess he walked cause we were way the fuck in the stix hittin some freights
  15. i agree they are equally shitty....but being forced to vote i would chose no frills just for legibility
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