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Everything posted by tenyearsdrunk

  1. almost all the commentary on the thread is about as gay as mtv reality tv show drama.
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco you lose fag. have a nice nite on the net while US is out crushing.
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco anyway the only reason i replied to this shit is cause 87 been cool to me and i got a ton a respect for 640, cause one my mentors got down with them in 99, US was a huge influence in me tagging the fuck out of shit from 92 on and i work with real bangers who really hurt people and that shit sucks. we dont need banging in writing, boxing is called for at times, but if its about names, style or fame? only the streets will run with the real truth. keep it chill yo! you can get shot over bullshit anyday. keep writing for writers, on the streets, in the face and off the net.
  4. Thug Vandal you see what im sayin. but what im not seein is why this cat wanta hate on a cat that bombs and and can throw down and throws thats that dont fuck with his end of the bay. it makes no sense.....cake hr is no Ceiver you feel me? so why he wanna start a buncha shit with a buncha bombers and make threats over no reason. anyway. fuck the net. im goin painting. cake hr played himself, i said to much allready. stay outta jail.
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco im not doubting what Thug Vandal said, my boy was out with Ceiv for a hot one in 99, what im sayin is Ceiv wouldnt pull none this net bullshit and handle biz like a real g.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i dont even live in the bay no more. i give a fuck fool. your a half ass wanna be banger with a mediocre at best piecing style starting a shit storm cause a cat puts in work with the same name as you. you only started getting up in the 415 after you found out there was another Cake, its not like you were both sides the bridge your whole career. I wasnt braggin fool, we did a production at 66th and the shit ran for a year, i was suprised cause it was off but it ran, i did mostly freights and freeways in another county, but i got hit with a felony and was looking at real time and chose to make ends and get job skills. you wanna beat my ass, well funny thing is i gotta remedy for fools that wanna beat my ass. i give a fuck dude, i grew up over seas in a ghetto ass innercity. fuck your attitude, your a bitch with a soft name and not enough fillins to back it up. if you was real OG Oakland, you wouldnt a played your self out like a bitch. besides that, i burn your ass in style. you look like a bite from my boy.
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco no, for real ima retired writer that sprays paint for a living.
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco check it fool, tag banging is gay. probably why you trynna be a tag banger on the net, cause you cant admit you like it in the ass. me and my homies pieced in the east bay. our shit ran for a year. my boy who 87 tatted up hella proper was tellin me he beat the fuck outta two jocks at a bar that tried to fuck with him. my boy dont lie. are you done little toy? is it your bedtime yet? you ready to handle beef one on one with the real Cake? your young, i hope you wise up, cause the steez your pullin gonna get you beat down once you get off the net at your moms house. go find God youngster. itll do you good.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco in that flick phunk posted, give it up to Pleaser YA for goin over me, I got respect for YA. Its cool though, G8R had me and Ether on paint that night. That shit was fun. shut up you toy, the real bay area Cake fucked you up in bombing, go have your fun your a fucking toy, dare you to box Cake in person. and yeah fool, i gotta lady, i got bills to pay im not here. I swear Ciever beat your ass if you told him bout the bitch shit you pulled on the net..
  10. your a clown fool. you got some average funk letters. Cake87 fuckin you up in bombing frisco and your pieces are average dog. there aint no funk an originality in your shit fool, looks like you bit it out a graff mag like you did your throw. chill the fuck out, why you trynna bring wack fame to your crews name. your toy fool. you got all dick hurt another cat puts in more work than you with the same name so you tryna be a banger on the net which kills your credit right there fool. straight up fool, you done got fucked up with the amount of bombing the Cake did fool. Show respect to your mentor and the cat who put you in 640 and keep your dick hurt bullshit out of public toy. you lose dog.
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ps. unless your retired what the fuck are you doing on the internet at midnight on a saturday? i spray houses fool, and i work tomorrow.
  12. fool your such a clown. seriously man, lay off the net and salvage what you can of your rep cause look dog, your clowning yourself harder than anyone else here. get it straight homey. ive been writing on and off since 92. when i came to sf for the first time in 92 Revers and Orfn had the city so crushed with tags it would make your head spin. Cake87 is cool folks. I mean come on guy, you talk all this shit about how this cat from the east bay is on top of style and then your hacking an OG crew with a throw that has three blatantly bitten letters from cats that earned fame the real way. US crew kicks funk and vandalism. My boys throw down ill technical wildstyles. I feel both cause i like seeing shit painted where it aint sposed to be. its sounds like whoever is behind this screen name just couldnt make it as a banger and is trynna take it out on writers who dont bang and just write. its lost homie, you fucked with an oldschool crew that is affiliated with everyother old school crew in San Francisco. those crews got tags and fillins for decades fool. how you gonna diss your own crew by sparking this bullshit over a name. i mean personally, i think Cake is a funny ass name to write, but Cake87 got a mad funky throw that i seen filled in time and time again....its even funnier that some hard ass "gangstah" writes cake. i mean what dog, you got your homies ice cream and frosting round the corner to pull a jack move. all the cats HR hacked are real bombers that put in work in sf. i lived in sf for a few years and i think i left maybe 4 times. fuck a car. fuck oakland dude....if i wanna try and get shot and fuck with gangstahs, i lived around the corner from the 'mo. just chill and let this die fool. and if you wanna see where im comin from keep in mind i work with a real OG Norte who done bids and whose brothers are doing life over shanking a fool to death over an argument about who painted the apartment complex better. This OG keeps us straight and puts things in focus. you got any idea how lonely and cold it is in the pen dog? bad enough they trynna throw a felony at you for a tag in the sco these days and you wanna come here and hate on writers who get up cause your from the hood. Ceiver is hood dog, i know Ceivers antics on the real. How you gonna diss your crew by picking a fight like a bitch over the net? 640 Mob is OG Oakland and I got mad respect but all i know is I got a homie from US that showed me love and when i started writing at 14, 15 years ago, US had the city on lock and battled a savage crew, Funky Fresh Fillmore, so just chill and stop ego tripping.
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i swear to god, the last pages of this thread have been the most entertaining shit i have read all year. i dont get up no more right now, but im a proffesional spray painter that works with 2nd strike felons so im chill you feel me? Point being, watching the internet beef transpire was so ridiculously entertaining. Cake 87 US was always cool to me when i was egotrippin drunk and i heard bout tha fool beating two jocks bigger than him down, and has proper tat skills....not jockin but just showin respect. As far as the whole style thing, this is graffiti, you tryna fuck with some bitch shit like, "girl your outfit looks to much like hers" fuck that, get your ups......... my bad, i shoulda shut up, but i dont got no internet and reading a weeks worth of shit was pure gold entertainment. im give a fuck about the drama.........im out for my $$$$ wifey and maybe some kids. to much info cause to much drank EDIT I really hope no one gets hurt over this shit. Just laugh it off, everyone. Chill. Like my 2nd strike felon painter boss tells me, aint nothing worth that. pussy beer weed money. chill the fuck out.
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that UTI 2SRV is heat
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco for sure man. i recall Ether telling me how they ran into 3F a few years later and the 3F G's were pretty much like " yeah we all got into selling crack and shit but thats cool you guys still do your thing". That battle was when like 92?
  16. tagbanging is gay. especially trying to bang on a crew that has been up without fail for the last 17+ years. ORFN is a straight OG. Cake 87 has had fillins running consistantly in SF for years. Cake can brawl to, id be interested to see how it would turn out if this other dude would just man up and fight his ass instead of threatening guns and shit on the net. Yeah, Oakland Richmond and SF have a ton of killings. Lots of young men lose their lives over generations old beef. But this isnt banging this is writing. OG Ceiv 640 was cool as fuck to me and my homies bombing potnah for a while, Ceiver is a straight up savage bay area legend and I could never see him pulling this internet bullshit. US has been up for close to two decades. Thats what writings about. GETTING UP. If you cant deal with that then maybe you should go back and take a lesson from OG DREAM about what writing is about cause your trynna bang on writers who actually get up. If you wanna bang, than bang on other bangers and we'll read about you as the next pointless homicide. all im trynna say is there is enough hate with out heads trynna murk eachother out over a name. Besides that, your information is so readily accessable that your incrimination of yourself on this message board is beyond retarded when it comes down to common sense. Please just chill out, smoke one, have a brew, pop a xanax and realize we are all fighting the same fight, or should be anyway, fight the system that steals our education money and overpays corrupt prison gaurds while young kids in the rich, the o, the fillmo' and the bayview starv cause the goverment doesn't give two fucks. my unasked for 2cents.
  17. Re: Don't Call it Frisco shut up you toy.
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that last phunk photo is great. fillins over buffmarks topped with barbedwire in the forground of a 1/4 of a car body with a half decayed broken window building in the background with a faded fillin of one of SFs hometown legends . nice.
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that giraffe character is fresh..... sf looks good.
  20. Re: Don't Call it Frisco internet talk is so fucking beyond retarded. watch me contradict myself-> and what up phunk? i went through your website and you posted my boys shit that we painted together but not mine? what up with that? theres a ton of other wack shit on your site but not my shit? not that i really give a fuck i have a life and what not but damn dog, we did that shit for my birthday and i get no play. same to everyone who posts, dont just post one shot of a wall or scene and leave everyone else out what the fuck? not to jump on the bagwagon, but yeah im thrilled you have the time and resources to adequatley document city graffiti, hats off dude you do a good job, but now im sittin here bitter cause i have shit that prevents me from really putting my name out ie bills and serious jail time if convicted (possible years with my record) and i finally get out to do some shit and you post my boys shit next to me but not mine. fuck that dude. you lose cool points for that one. i hope your book flops. stupid insomnia.
  21. I saw footage of his funeral in Australia and they had spelled out CRIKEY in flowers on the ground of the stadium they had it in. Other than spelling it wrong, I think its proper.
  22. tenyearsdrunk


    what up? i rock a early 80d Bianchi touring cycle twelve speed. I been out the game for a minute. I was doing 100 miles a week innercity status, flying through rush hour traffic averaging a mile in six minutes, through rush hour mainstreets though, anyway, i wanna ride fixed but my knees are fucked up yo. so peep this game, all about the five speed rear hub with a coaster brake and a front brake, cause front brakes help when you wanna stop fast, and that shit got that ill fixie look you feel me? my potnahs rock the fixie track steez, but knees keep me out the game. i love to ride though. one love.
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