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  1. j would crit but i cant see shit lol
  2. ^^^ Sticker design ^^^First sticker! crits?
  3. Keep goin bonez, just ignore those other guys. They're not worth it right now. And to all the other people who try to rip on toys, screw you. You were one once also, and our shit might not be dope but at least we're doin something and getting better at it.
  4. Oh, well the only thing i dont like about it is the Y reminds me of a pretzel and i dont think it looks like it fits well with the other letters.. just my thoughts :D
  5. if advancing means keep going with graffiti then hell yeah, even if you or anyone else doesnt think your good, just keep practicing youll get better
  6. yeah i know lol i just did 10 for starters and i can always order more
  7. Yeah he is huh? :D Im thinking im going to color this with a light green. What would you say?
  8. Holy shit! lmao, i could just see someone trying their best to use up 1000 stickers as soon as they could. Usps you can get 500 max, but whatever floats you guys' boats.
  9. Sike, just get the ones off of usps -> http://tinylink.com/?rb8BCL6XAX I just ordered 10, free without the need of a credit card. Just sign up an account for free without need of a credit card and order some. I just did that all in 10 minutes or less :D
  10. I like them both. Except the T on the bottom one, it just looks funny to me that its bent. But they're both good overall.
  11. NOTE! Lines are MEANT to be all squiggly! Heres another one, a sticker design. Yes fairly simple, but i like simple. :D
  12. I made an account and it didnt ask for one... Heres the stickers though: http://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10152&storeId=10001&categoryId=13354&productId=11655&langId=-1
  13. Yeah can someone send a link of the ones we want? :D
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