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Everything posted by RAWoNe

  1. Dirty Handz 3, has some ill train surfing, not to mention being one of the best graf vids out these days.
  2. hahaaa wonder if my boy Feral is back in buisness yet. Din, always fresh.
  3. Lime's had some shit runnin forever that ive seen.
  4. well not tuff typin, i meant what i said. Except for that accidental drop, straight up tried to delete that but, too late.
  5. So yeah i got hot headed over dumb shit. Disclosed info i shouldnt've and got set straight about it rightfully so. It's too late to delete but one of the mods needs to delete that posts. Word. No more beef, myself included, FLICKS.
  6. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread siiiick post lots of classics in here. NACE RIP Lewis Eye Coupe Savior Expert Buuuump BumpBump
  7. Saw a Bel in naugy off some tracks, shit was nice.
  8. Got an email from my boy, some ********STOP SPOT TALK. If this was my computer id post all sorts of shit joe smalls. so here, shut your faggot ass mouth and repost that absolutely horriffic piece of you that you TOOK OFF as soon as i mentioned how awful it was so i can laugh at it. makin me post metal in the brick slayers too, fuckin chump. BACK TO THE FLCIKS
  9. yeah and PS if i had a camera/scanner i would post some of my shit just to shut you up but im down to post flicks of others not down with that self promotion.
  10. haha i hit the sore spot must be your shit YOU EVEN TOOK IT OUT! While i was gettin ragged on for postin a few pics tryin to keep the thread alive i do believe you were complainin like a bitch then too.
  11. That silver shit with the eyes is god awful. Bumpin that Irm Burye Gauze up there def looks like dem higgghhways.
  12. If thats directed towards me i was just wondering.....where the fuck is ur shit at son? Yeah bet ur a real STUNNA! cunt
  13. HAH, not even worth a response. But i'll second the motion that while you're on here, complainin about flicks and a pair of titties, gettin banned because you're too aggressive and angry about the fact that you just cannot seem to get that can control down, i was out catchin wreck. So post some CT flicks or shut your fuckin mouth. *****KEEP YOUR SPOT INFO TO YOURSELF...
  14. yo that pic of yage and feral thats mad small can u make that bigger?
  15. wow, bonus really killed that one sign.....
  16. Real quick, some are are done real quickly but whatever.
  17. haha yes because new computers affect your registration on an internet forum? haha whatever, don't be be hittin on the CT thread if you aint postin flicks.
  18. CTnut where was that gacy at my boy yage is up next to it you can see like the edge of his piece PM me.
  19. well seein as how u just joined like yesterday how the fuck would you know what is was like before paint eater?
  20. yeah real dope real dope. the fill is fuckin the best though the mountain landscape. Thats an ill spot i hope i stumble upon that shit sometime.
  21. I dont give a fuck where that was done. not to dog it too much i mean what a feat, but how seriously can i take this? he did a wholetrain by himself and we are supposed to believe there are some sort of transit police? Fuck it im goin, thats all there is too it im fuckin goin. This means writers from places with security like the US and britain and other place sin europe could do like series of whole trains and time them to tell full lenght stories and shit, hahaaa. My series of trains will come one after the other whole cars and say "YO ITS RAWONE LOOK HOW MANY WHOLE CARS IVE DONE! i think bucharest might just create a new term, no more WC, no more worms and wholetrains, we're talking WHOLE YARDS BABY!
  22. ever since i've been noticing graffiti on the train bridge, sooo about 7-9 years now?
  23. Let me take this old school (Robbed off ArtCrimes)
  24. yo you got a little YL drippin out ya mouth, might wanna clean that up. yeah them headz are ill but the fact of the matter is THERE ARE OTHER FUCKIN WRITERS IN CT. no one can touch those cats their legends now obv. whos on the up and comin eh you gonna try and get loose or just drool over every 3A, toe crew, YL piece that gets posted on here? damn. dont get me wrong i love those cats theyre alot of my inspiration but wheres your soul at?
  25. upon further inspection it seems as though you are correct. BLATANTLY his style anyways. i supposed it was an E-rhetorical question.
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