Doesn't look all that much like a Juggalo.
But what really is going on with dude?
He looks kind of like a Samurai Pirate.
And he's got ninja shoes. Or his feet are painted black.
I can't quite tell.
GOOD ADVICE: DON'T GET RABIES MAN. Only three people are known to have ever survived the disease in the United States.
Video of a child with Rabies -
UGH SON. A little hard to watch.
They're basically trying to give him water, and the hydrophobia is at it's worst stage.
UGH NO....
Not even for the sheer fucking novelty of it!
Smash the little one on her right and the skirt in the backround. Naddaproblem.
Smish smash I was takin' a bath.
Cheers back atcha.
The reason I have ten minutes to down this is because the lady said I'm cut off past 1 am tonight. She has work in the morning and just wants to 'relax'. So I don't want to miss my window of opportunity. Though the broad doesn't mind, it's just no fun when she's sleeping. hehe
I just cracked it and brought it down to the label. Not as bad as I remember. FIVE MINUTES GO GO.
So I just slid on up to the closest liquor store. And by 'slid' I mean walked as quickly and discreetly as possible so as to avoid any issues with my rediculous 10pm curfew and probation. Lots of pigs out tonight in my city. I no need no trouble ya feels?
Anyways I see the local young hoodlems out front obviously trying to shoulder tap. I slide by just to grab a couple Swishers & dick wraps and they all in my grill.
"Hey OG we need some 40'z blud!"
Normally I'm like nah, but this one lil nigga had a gleam in his eye and so I was like aight,
"First off don't call me an OG you bunch of fucking heshers. Drop that 20 in my hand and you get what I get you. Plus I'm getting one for myself. Straight?"
Of course I got them all OE 800 and Steel Reserve 40's. Feeling a bit nostalgic about things right now so I also got myself a Steelie 40. I've cut back on drinking a lot over the past few months and so I'm looking forwards to finishing this in ten minutes or less. Then I'm going to hobble upstairs and slobber all over the chick in my bed. She loves that.
Anyways I hope those kids get into some kind of cool shennans. Drinking under the bridge and throwing cement chunks onto the 580 freeway at least. Fuck yeh.
Ooh this shit is ICE COLD. haha, I can't believe I'm actually stoked on this 40. I guess I'm a simple man, I like beans and rice.
Obnoxious, that Stienbeck hand in the concrete. If that's the one I'm thinking of... Good find. I lived up on top of David Avenue and Filmore some years ago. I would ride my bike past that everyday on my way to work or go surf, whatevs. There are a couple other signatures written in old concrete that are in out of the way spots and I always wondered if they were real. They looked legit to me.
Monterey was a strange place to move to not knowing anybody out there. I made very few friends, but it was a great time in my life. Brought some good memoirs with that flick.
Props due when Im not on the IPhone.
Always! I have found random brilliant tweeker quotes, money, used condoms, drugs, cutouts to stash drugs, and other goodies in hotel room bibles. I always leave some rap letters and a generic date as well.
I should add that it's mainly referencing the Middle East and there is at least one Empire not represented. MONGOLS HURRR.