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Everything posted by Tavaruawon

  1. 3.9 outta Berkeley. Man, when I shit in the morning the richter scale rattles more than that.
  2. 3.9 outta Berkeley. Man, when I shit in the morning the richter scale rattles more than that.
  3. So I'm rushing out to Hayward to make a last ditch restitution payment before court tomorrow. Hurried outta community service and onto BART. Everything is going as planned for me to make it there before 4:30, that's when they stop accepting payments. That being said, apparently we just had an earthquake. So this fucking train comes to a grinding and abrupt halt, in the middle of the freeway like a half mile before my stop at Castro Valley. Stuck! We can't move until they do a fucking track inspection. This payment needs to happen. In case of fire pull here and then I walk on out this bitch as if I were a boss. "chkkkssh We're still standing by chkksh" Thanks G, I couldn't tell by looking out the windows at all the cars doing 75 past me.
  4. Snoop is attempting to get his crops weight and yield up. Pounds so fluffy the whole town love me.
  5. < version 4.1 on an ipwn 3. No case. No worries. Keeps it treal.
  7. ^^False, I tend to be a gentleman. But if that's what a monkey hoe wants then I definitely know how to play the role. Not a prob. Edit: Ewps. Micah got ins before meh. False to IBS as well. TPBM has fasted (no food) for three or more days.
  8. Sitting shotgun. Cruising through Sactown and laughing because a couple minutes ago my boy nailed a big ass piece of a truck tire. Broke his headlight. It was loud as fuck when we hit, scared the shit out of me! Not two miles down the highway he makes a smooth maneuver and pulls right behind an overloaded 18 wheeler hauling tomatoes. Tomaters just fucking falling out the back and sides of this shit at 70 mph. Tomato paste everywhere on ya new truck! I'm just laughing at ya dog.
  9. Chilling on a Redwood deck overlooking South Lake Tahoe. Basically at a friends cabin, drankin' some Jager and Pacificos just straight marinating like the meat in the fridge. I'm scoping the weather radar because there's thunder $ lightning storms forecast for this evening. I love inclement weather. T-storms stacked and ready to hit right about when all my cronies show up. I'm gonna see if anybody wants to climb up on the roof with a cooler and a few L's. All good things.
  10. States bout finna make a bit of money off your folks after fines and fees are paid. In the end we all win though right? ... Because those fines and fees fuel funding for schools which will educate your future children about the dangers of substance abuse. And hopefully preve...
  11. ^^ That's a Northern Chickadee off to his upper right helmet piece. I should not know these things.
  12. That dude DrueMoney is successful troll to the maximum lately. Kill them softly.
  14. Word up on that NBB. Similar situation putting up with a dick tease the past couple of weeks. Bitch is fucking all over me one night and then trying to play it off when we were talking about how good of a time we had at the concert. "Oh I dunno. Everybody needs some affection some times!" So what, that was just pity? LOLLERZ This chick literally got down on her knees and tried to give me dome in the middle of a crowd at the Fox Theater. Thievery Corporation made her panties wet I guess. Later on she dropped the line "I've been celibate since Saint Patrick's Day" COOL BITCH I GOT BALLS THAT ARE BLUER THAN A FUCKING SMURF RIGHT NOW. I've begun to question myself on this shit lately. Because I keep on chilling with this chick. I dig her. And she's really fucking hot. But it's like I'm torturing myself. Mad sexual tension between the two of us lately. I try to keep a positive attitude about the situation, thinking that I'm just laying the foundation to fuckville. Gaining her trust etc... But I donno man. Gotta keep it moving and realize that she's probably just a back-burner type of broad. I do feel the need to be careful with what I say to her though. Don't want to tell her what really is up - probably ruin any chances for fun in the future by pulling her card like that. Damn. No it can't be... this bitch got in my head. Fuck.
  15. This thread is like... Aww shit you know what. I had a rant keyed out and ready to delivar. No go. Lots of gossip and pointless posturing in this thread though. I get the feeling that most of you suck, and cant push mongo. :lol:
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