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Everything posted by Tavaruawon

  1. 33 meters is equal to 20 danzigs. Hmm.
  2. This made my day for some reason. I'm a simple man. I like beans and rice.
  3. Ju gotta link to said photo gallery mang?
  4. See Home and Garden issue #178.
  5. Money = debt*** Inflation bankruptcy Debt begats pressure Debt gets traded*** Complex derivative scheme. Money sequence. Wall streEt breeds people with no empathy.*** Goldman profits 91% to 3.4 billion Generate process consume and recycle Derivative*** Debt is an idea as an elaborate fiction*** Hedge dnuf. Intuition is true.*** Health socioeconomic gradient.
  6. Nigga out there selling donut seeds.
  7. False. TPBM is the third person to post on this page and has enjoyed giving someone a blumpkin.
  8. I once had sex with a blob for a can of soda. No big.
  9. The praying mantis hummingbird holy shit those bugs frighten me.
  10. Here's some data to correlate ... from the ETs via Sheldan Nidle Gaia Gaia is moving its South Pole inward as its North Pole migrates south. Gaia intends to alter her surface world and desires to speed up the steps to this end. [gold and sliver] placement is intended to provide essential points of energy for Gaia at her most vulnerable nodes on the world grid. Gaia wants you to fully comprehend what is ahead. She contains within her the energies which formed this galaxy over 20 billion years ago. The surface changes contemplated by Mother Earth are in their elementary stage. The intent is to begin raising the Pacific seabed to reestablish Lemuria. What will emerge is an ocean that once again contains the ancient, long-lost continent and a more even distribution of land and sea. Mother Earth likewise desires to have a time in which her own surface actions can be properly appreciated by you.
  11. I was thinking... Next time I get hammered, I mean blacked the fuck out at a bitchen party, shit somebody else's pants drunk- I want to rock a chest mounted Go Pro and rage. Chyea.
  12. Doing 95 down highway 5. Cutting traffic like cheese. Also cutting the cheese while dodging traffic. This car wreaks. I been eating nothing but Del Taco and chili for the past four days. You know it's bad when your own farts smell worse than Stockton. Almost home.
  13. Dojah mane gets props for his ultimate e thug. Just don't beat me up, thanks in advance.
  14. The shadow man presence is actually described in quite a few of these SP incidents. Lends some credibility to what those Asian cats were saying.
  15. Sleep paralysis is definitely a real condition. It happens and has happened to me a few times, in jail oddly enough. Most all of the research is theory though. Never been any definitive answers as to why it happens or how to stop it. It has nothing to do with the DMT produced endogenously within the mammalian brain. DMT has also never been associated correctly with REM sleep patterns... What I do know from personal experience is that SP only happened for me when I slept on my back. Rather I might say that I 'woke' up laying on my back. There was an incredible pressure pushing down on my rib cage and chest area. My eyes seemed open and I could hear and process much of what was going on around me at the time. Yet I was unable to move and speak. It felt like my brain was sending signals to my limbs- 'move, sit up'. You know, but they weren't being received properly. Then at some point my nervous system snapped out of it and I was up, thinking 'the fuck is this? The fuck was that?' Total confusion, even though I had heard of SP before. As I said earlier- SP has happened to me just a few times and all three of those incidents occured during an extended stay in Santa Rita Jail. During this time I was dealing with a lot of stress. And my sleep patterns were as fucked as they had ever been. Also, the Asian guys I was locked up with had an interesting take on the whole sleep paralysis phenomenon. We got into the discussion over a huge bag of pruno as I started explaining some of the scientific reasoning behind SP, all of them cut me off at once and they began basically telling ghost stories. Claiming it's spirits. Eastern philosophy type shit. One OG Cambodian said it happens to him all the time. Over the years he learned to control it and can now basically lucid dream at will. He said to me "You ever get stuck like that again, just wiggle your toes!" I took it as good advice.
  16. SEMEK WHO? Faggot ass toy on the treals.
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