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morbid tales

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Everything posted by morbid tales

  1. ah, hellhole - or maybe ugh, hellhole...
  2. here jroq - it's a repost and the picture is at a funny angle but this ryke is still fresh
  3. this idiot just went through like ten threads saying dumb shit. then again this thing has been taken over by some kids who are apparently out to make us look real, real bad...
  4. that truck is by mask for a friend named dave who played music and used that van to move their shit. i think that's from before daver even wrote nok. i have another, better nok flick, but no scanner. this one is still dope, though. and also, these:
  5. why is that the last thing?
  6. toys talk shit. writers bomb. and for your education, this is a straight letter.
  7. and you get called out all the time and never post shit.
  8. no i think you just played yourself.
  9. how bout when you learn how to watch your fucking mouth i can stop wiping my ass with your ignorant commentary. okay pullin' cards play this hand fucko.
  10. and you can't just roll out a wall and call that a background anyway that twine shit burns
  11. damn twiner!!! that's hot.
  12. beware, kepo, bombing rooftops and the star coming outta that h-a connection in the orphans piece
  13. bump sake stab kyle and twine all day
  14. 128 murders in the first four months of this year.
  15. "All together, there were 10 murders for the week of May 21. With eight homicides this week (of May 28), Baltimore saw its sixth week this year with more murders than days. The total number of homicides as of Monday, June 4, was 15 higher than at the same time last year."
  16. the fill on that jase piece is amazing
  17. toys need a history lesson is what the fuck they need. one more bump for those old flixxx from snowman
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