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Everything posted by dontsleep34

  1. dontsleep34


    dont bomb your school that takes away budget from the sports team including football... i dont want to miss a chance at senior championships because some buttfucker wants to write the word shit and swatsticas on the wall.
  2. fuck man your years ahead of your time just go find jaba the hut freeze your king status in carbonite then use your dope ass skillz to unfreeze yourself and bomb in like the 3000s
  3. commin again to save the mother fuckin day yeah^
  4. I love the flower stationary up there
  5. Run Tips No Snitches i like it
  6. finally a canadian thread, im from van but ill post.
  7. dontsleep34


    thats pretty tight and stop post whoring fagget above
  8. one more tip don't say graff please.
  9. uhhhh no. without practicing using spray paint on like handstyles and bombs how are you going to get the feel and control of spraypaint needed for piecing?? think before you type.
  10. dontsleep34


    I'm lovin the piggy bank
  11. ^ the 3d is a little off in some places and i dont think you should have done the outline after but I like the general idea and I'm loving the 80's nyc graffiti character lol
  12. When was the last time you heard the word numbskull in a conversation honestly I like your use of a thesorus. But that kid is killin this site man mad style props.
  13. thats the gist of it make straight lines away from a letter keeping the general shapes of the corners then just make sure its all in the same direction. but damn thats a stupid question
  14. I praise destroying streets for actually reading the earlyer pages and not resaying shit like so many people
  15. beggars cant be choosers eh tom.
  16. The first one looks like the P has a tumor but tis getting better. Practice Practice Practice The wildstyle should not have been attempted and the third one you didnt do in 5 points because thats sapposibly invite only.
  17. I didn't under stand this word "Graffer" so I looked in my Webster's dictionary and it said: Graffer[Graff.er] A person who started writting graffiti after "Getting Up" came out to try and copy "trane" a fictional character. Most "graffers" have ultra cool names like coolbob69 or Fuck20. stop the sexism jesus christ Miss 17 is an amazing bomber.
  18. its a good move if he wants to go to jail. Idiot, some men enjoy golden showers like hoopdamoop.
  19. This is a well thought out strategy I have used alot of things you have said and most of the time police will abide by the laws. I have been illegally searched before and got off because of it but cops will watch you more if you've hoodwinked them.
  20. im not feeling the top E it doesnt flow with the rest
  21. do remember i said ALL the markers in a store
  22. looks alright chop three ds a bit off on the bottom 1 but its pretty good. looks like mr wiggles shit to me tho.
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