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Posts posted by dontsleep34

  1. 12 year old leader. you gotta problem wit that? but this older kid helps me out sometimes



    Your in a gang? a leader? thats fucked man what do you guys do steal candy from 7-11 and hold up the ice cream man? its called puberty and it will happen for you in like a year.

  2. Well the more you write like that you'll start developing your own twist on those letters, different corner, top and bottom shapes but right now they look decent you just want to make them more of your own. So my suggestion is just keep writting in that same style and you'll eventually progress.

  3. because you tried to act like a know it all dick, and talked about how the government ships crack into its own neighborhoods, which im sure you simply heard from someone else, and obviously took the concept far too literaly


    I wasnt talking about shipping crack to neighborhoods? But what ever not gunna get all bent up about it

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