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Posts posted by Torquemada

  1. i was playing assassin's creed for a bit. it was pretty dope, but when finishing the 4th memory block i realized how fucking repetitive this shit is. it's seriously the same first level over and over, i'm going to return this shit tomorrow...

  2. i just got a ps3 the other month. i've only played uncharted, heavenly sword, and COD4, all fucking dope.now i can't wait for gta4, i'll get a 360 when the DLC comes out for it if it really is as big as dudes think it's going to be.

    on the DS Professor layton and the curious village has been getting tons of play time, sometimes i spend like 20 minutes on one fucking puzzle, i'll be finishing this game next year.


    has anyone here imported a dualshock 3 controller? i think i'm going to have to if it doesn't come out to the states before gta4.

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