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Everything posted by Raymcgrief1234

  1. This is what is called the main front yard office and its always a spectacular sight to witness the lead engines come to a stop to face each other in front of the American flag. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/
  2. ...The main front line. Most of my teen years were spent in the yard and i've always considered myself a spectator more than a participant. I always had an appreciation for most graffiti i like to see it all, and now i have the chance to share with you pictures of what i see and its great to have that opportunity. I hope the future brings prosperity and makes lives better, cheers to a new year and good things to come. Really a short post but this thread is NOT about the "fresh" panel pieces. I wanted pay homage to "jimmy" the train conductor and to one of my favorite songs and the story behind it. A few words about the song from lead vocalist of Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant. Let me tell you a little story behind the song '"Ten Years Gone" on our new album. I was working my ass off before joining Zeppelin. A lady I really dearly loved said, "Right. It's me or your fans." Not that I had fans, but I said, "I can't stop, I've got to keep going." She's quite content these days, I imagine. She's got a washing machine that works by itself and a little sports- car. We wouldn't have anything to say anymore. I could probably relate to her, but she couldn't relate to me. I'd be smiling too much. Ten years gone, I'm afraid. Anyway, there's a gamble for you. here is the link for the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYpydtdlWxA http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/
  3. is that a picture of ice cube fucking a bitch with a wu-tang tattoo? haha
  4. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/ caught these recently, still rocking.
  5. yeah im a big lame but what happened next you wouldnt believe!!! stay tuned for the next thread.
  6. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/ SSSOOO....that is it for now boys and gals. these were all caught in the last month. hope you like what you saw and steal what you must. catch you on the rails and like Mr. Maseo would say "stay gold."
  7. What is happening to America? The world of men is crumbling, i've been so busy living under a rock for most of my life that at times i forget and realize that talking to a girl can be so fragile, so this month i got a restraining order from a random girl...ha! Guess i came on a little too strong but i'm not tripping it aint no thing. "Baby...i know i can sometimes be a creep but just when you start thinking that just remember one thing... I'd rather be benching!" with that being said Go America! pimps up hoes down!!! here are some pictures of some panel pieces on freights!!!! whoo! And a song to listen too as you check them out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsseYIrNeC4 http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/
  8. yeah i know, the picture is of a train yard bull van ,and a DEER CATCHER i mean those big black metal bars in front of the vehicle that prevent the car from becoming damaged in case of collisions. dont have a picture of the escalade but thanks for noticing and pointing that out.
  9. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/ ...And thats it for now folks, Catch you on the rails!!!
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