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  1. Rumah

    831 cali

    Most hated yah yah no one hates you guys no one even knows you guys are alive else were. You guys been listening to The game a little to much.
  2. Rumah

    831 cali

    No shit pea brain. All words kept the same. Rookie moves. Look at that rts scribble. Looks toy statuss rep a different name you guys killed that name in your younger days its making you all look bad.
  3. Rumah

    831 cali

    LAME, Boming it up were you hit trains. Rook status. Even bombing up your home town train yard. Toy moves.
  4. Rumah

    831 cali

    Over kill with scribbles. Reminds me of Giant, still sick.
  5. Rumah

    831 cali

    Today I seen the noem brown fence, Props on that one. mater dub on blue trash can props on that one. But got damn Ive seen so many scribbles in town waked the fuck out! Practice on a card board box or something because fuck your making 831 look like its ran by pilot kids that have no handstyle.
  6. Rumah

    831 cali

    Let me guess you listen to The Infamous Mobb Deep
  7. Rumah

    831 cali

    Let me help you out here, Every name is taken.
  8. Rumah

    831 cali

    That RIP Pear sticker is over doing it, Settle down.
  9. Rumah

    831 cali

    This post puts 831 in the dirt, Stop talking more bombing!
  10. Rumah

    831 cali

    Another MH I seen pretty sure 831 heads didnt bust it tho.
  11. Re: VANS BUSES AND AUTOMOBILES That keep is bad ass, The lines are cleannnn
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