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Everything posted by HUSK

  1. city of god was my favorite movie when i was a cocaine using 17 year old.
  2. i really want to know who actually took a shit on her head. LOL.
  3. definitely going to watch some of these.
  4. what da fun I'm guessing this is the toll troll, who is getting in that boys hole.?
  5. or post this photo to the next reply she does...
  6. make a fake profile of a really skinny girl. and just start a change your relationship status to in a relationship with said fake profile. and make statuses like your "new girlfriend is what you've always wanted".lol make sure her "pic" is that of a really skinny girl. the fat girl will get the point, and will feel real bad about her said fatness.
  7. Is President Obama really Osama Bin Ladin?
  8. imagine being in a cell with that dude. jesus christ.
  9. I almost puked at the end of that krokodil video, where the guy is like picking shit out of the hole in the skin and bone OMG!
  10. yeah i've always contemplated buying Hitman every time i'm in Stop & Shop. Thinking I'm going to stop in buy some food and pick that up tomorrow.It's funny around my area (Mass) thats all they have at Stop and Shop book section is books about White Bulger, and his crew, such as John "shae" Red " the one who didn't rat", and all other books about Whitey and his FBI friend, as well as Hitman.
  11. bacon cheeseburger sliders with fries.
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