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Everything posted by HUSK

  1. jbrshm has the best contribution i've seen so far.
  2. i hate to break it to 12oz but im hot, way hot and beautiful with a hint of punk bubble gum pop. n/h
  3. that kid probably had a boner n/h while getting painted on like a fucking bum.
  4. hate to bring the bad news but that chili dog looks like a hot dog with horse shit on it.that doesn't mean its not delicious though!!!!
  5. like 5 people in there and they aint saying shit. mad boring.
  6. i wish i rode that rollercoaster on lsd. lucky bastard
  8. sorta like dealers do with crack and heroin. new shipments of better product. products out. you have people lining up and waiting impatiently. shipments in. business again.
  9. i've eaten a lunch like that for years. i use to stay on that stolen vanilla coke with fun-yun's, and stick bread.n/h once and awhile i'd put peanut butter on the bread or funyuns.
  10. this dude must have a stash or secret connect he meets in alley behind rock.
  11. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000086431874&ref=search&sid=1355026168.3942215130..1
  12. please tell me your not wearing fucking UGGS. no homo!
  13. wtf i missed da show. crap send friend requst.lol
  14. stay dazed and confused wood party rock, drip drop bubble gum dont stop!
  15. i think its becuase they found lil spenty's "trainwreckism" to be halariously fascinating, only becuase they've never seen someone go crazy with beer or drugs. hence the photo taking, like an asian in NYC.
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