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Everything posted by HUSK

  1. http://www.trylatinwomen.com/advantages_Latin_women.htm
  2. THIS IS ACTUALLY TAKEN FROM A POLICE REPORT "Posts filed under 'Ron Wyden loves mexican criminals' Franciscopascual, Jaime Illegal Mexican:Multnomah County jail Busted Five Counts of Forgery Fake ID in Open Borders Sanctuary City Portland Oregon Franciscopascual, Jaime Busted Five Counts of Forgery Fake ID in Open Borders Sanctuary City Portland Oregon   SWIS ID: 736912 Name: Franciscopascual, Jaime Age: 37 Gender: Male Race: Hispanic Height: 5 ft 5 in Weight: 140 lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Arresting Agency: Portland Police, North Precinct Arrest Date: 4/30/2009 4:10 AM Booking Date: 4/30/2009 8:14 AM Current Status: In Custody Assigned Facility: MCDC Projected Release Date: Unknown   Court Case No. None DA Case No. None Citation No. None Charge Bail Status FAIL PERF DOD PROP (A Misdemeanor) $2,500 Unsentenced FAIL PERF DOD PROP (A Misdemeanor) $2,500 Unsentenced FORGERY I (C Felony) $5,000 Unsentenced FORGERY I (C Felony) $5,000 Unsentenced FORGERY I (C Felony) $5,000 Unsentenced FORGERY I (C Felony) $5,000 Unsentenced FORGERY I (C Felony) $5,000 Unsentenced   Court Case No. None DA Case No. None Citation No. None Charge Bail Status USI HOLD (U ) $0 Unsentenced  Ron Wyden and Obama and Harry Reid Approve of this Crime. Wyden voted against Protecting the ID of Americans. Deport Ron Wyden and 99 percent of Congress. Send Obama back to Kenya.   Bail required could be Add comment May 1, 2009 FBI busts Four Illegal Mexican Construction workers in Beaverton at 13935 SW Hazel Street,:Rosales-Fimbres:Ortiz-Valdez:Fountain:Salinas-Aguilar Universal Remodeling Four  Illegal Mexican Druggies + one White Woman with Sharpie Eyebrows Arrested During Search Warrant Beaverton Police Dept.  Update: The Four mexicans run a remodeling business called universal remodeling. Be Nice If ICE busted it too.. http://www.universalremodeling.biz/ On Monday, April 20, 2009, members
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